Note 12
From Albert Speer by Joachim C. Fest — See further Notes

12 However, the fact that Speer's name was to be found on the conspirators' list of cabinet members was probably also partly due to the decision to assure the new government a certain continuity by minimizing the break resulting from a successful assassination and incorporating into it several suitable personalities who had preserved some degree of personal integrity. See also IMT, XVI; Jackson's cross-examination is found in the same volume. In their reports the journalists present at Nuremberg also expressed a feeling of respect, whose significance is all the more weighty in view of the very recent end to the war and the dreadful revelations made during the trial. See for example Anders, Im Nürnberger Irrgarten:

'At the risk of being misunderstood, I should like to state that I respect Speer alone among the accused, for his clean hands and personal courage.'