Note 20
From Baldur von Schirach by Joachim C. Fest — See further Notes

20 B. von Schirach, at the beginning of Die Hitlerjugend. The attempt of some Bunde to be absorbed corporately into the Hitler Youth so as to retain a certain independence was unsuccessful. Only the Bund der Artamanen was finally taken into the Hitler Youth as a unit and formed a nucleus of the Hitler Youth Field Service. Of the others only the Reichsschaft Deutscher Pfadfinder (boy scouts), whose foreign connections appeared important to the regime, and the Catholic youth leagues, which could call attention to the guarantees provided in the Concordat, were exempt from co-ordination, if only for a limited period. The Protestant youth associations, on the other hand, were incorporated into the Hitler Youth in December 1933 with the help of Reich Bishop Muller.