Note 45
From Baldur von Schirach by Joachim C. Fest — See further Notes

45 H. von Schirach, The Price of Glory. Schirach made detailed statements in Nuremberg about the early history and specific circumstances of the controversy with Hitler; see IMT, XIV. However, the conduct of the former Reich Youth Leader was by no means as unequivocal as appears from his own report. Even in the autumn of 1942 he still saw in the evacuation of the Jews 'to the Eastern ghetto', admittedly begun by his predecessor, 'an active contribution to European culture'; see IMT, XXXI, 3048-PS. He later explained that he had no longer known how to justify this remark even to himself and emphasized to G. M. Gilbert that he was ready to die on account of it; see IMT, XIV and Nuremberg Diary.