Note 4
From General von X by Joachim C. Fest — See further Notes

Here may be included all Marxist-orientated historical writing and a large part of British and American historical literature from the early post-war period; see for example Gordon A. Craig, The Politics of the Prussian Army; also John W. Wheeler-Bennett, The Nemesis of Power. On 1st June 1936, Blomberg, the Reich Minister of Defence, had enlarged on this:

'Being apolitical never meant that we approved of the system under earlier governments. It was much more a means for protecting ourselves against too intimate an entanglement.' But to this he added, 'Of course now there will be no more being apolitical' (Blomberg's speech in Bad Wildungen, recorded by General Liebmann and quoted by Jacobsen and Jochmann, 'ausgewahlte dokumente').