Note 026
by Joachim C. Fest

The suggestion that Hitler's anti-Semitism had at least one of its roots in sexual jealousy was probably put forward by Rudolf Olden. In his book, "Das Ende des Hitler-Mythos" (Zurich, 1947), which in many respects has not stood up to later findings of Hitler research, Josef Greiner reports a rather scandalous attempt by the young Hitler to approach a girl student employed as a model. This girl, who conformed to Hitler's specially favoured blonde type, was later to marry a half-Jewish manufacturer. Because Greiner's reliability is somewhat in doubt there must be strong reservations about this episode, which shows signs of having been made up after the fact. On the reference to 'Stefanie' see Kubizek, Young Hitler. Stefanie, for whom Hitler was supposed to have composed 'countless love poems', none of which she ever got to read, was big, blonde, of Valkyrie-like appearance. If we are to believe Kubizek, Hitler waited each afternoon at an appointed place in the street which Stefanie and her mother used to pass on their walk, and gazed at her. In one of the poems, which is said to have had the title 'Hymn to the beloved', Stefanie, according to Kubizek, was described as follows:

'A high-born damsel in a dark blue, flowing velvet gown rode on a white steed over the flowering meadows, her loose hair fell in golden waves on her shoulders; a clear spring sky was above. Everything was pure, radiant joy.'

From Chapter 1 ,The Incubation Period , Part 1 of The Face Of The Third Reich by J.C. Fest
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