Note 017
by Joachim C. Fest

Bullock, Hitler. The quotation comes from Hitler's speech of 2nd February 1934, taken from Hans-Adolf Jacobsen and Werner Jochmann, Ausgewahlte Dokumente. In his overall foreign policy Hitler had always adhered to the tactical principle of bilateral agreements and refused to join the system of collective security as exemplified by the League of Nations. In the process it emerged that one or another European power was prepared (Britain and Poland were the first) to make bilateral treaties with Hitler and thus not only abandon friends and allies but also disavow the concept of collective responsibility. Accordingly, he had at first taken care to have on the military front only one chief opponent of equal stature. Then he became unfaithful to this principle, which he later violated once more by his declaration of war on the USA, thus furthering the coalition or system of collective defence in the camp of the enemy. When he later referred to these developments indignantly as 'monstrous', he was forgetting what he doubtless wanted to forget: his own part in them.

From Chapter 5 ,Victor and Vanquished , Part 1 of The Face Of The Third Reich by J.C. Fest -- See further Notes

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