St James Street, 6/12/1793, 16 du Mois Frimaire
Letters(3), from Gibbon's Autobiography
Edited by Lord Sheffield

The man tempted me, and I did eat — and that man is no less than the Chancellor. I dine today as I intended, at Beckenham: but he recalls me (the third time this week) by a dinner tomorrow, (Saturday) with Burke and Windham, which I do not possess sufficient fortitude to resist. Sunday he dismisses me again to the aforesaid Beckenham, but insists on finding me there on Monday, which he will probably do, supposing there should be room and welcome at the Ambassador's. I shall not therefore arrive at Sheffield Place till Tuesday, the 10th instant, and though you may perceive I do not want society or amusement, I sincerely repine at the delay. You will likewise derive some comfort from hearing of the spirit and activity of my motions. Farquhar is satisfied, allows me to go, and does not think I shall be obliged to precipitate my return. Shall we never have anything more than hopes and rumours from Lord Howe?

Ever yours.