Scope Of Chapter 40
Fall in The East from The Decline And Fall

Elevation of Justin the Elder– Reign of Justinian Empress Theodora – Factions of Circus & Sedition of Constantinople – Trade & Manufacture of Silk
Finances & Taxes– Edifices of Justinian– Church of St. Sophia– Fortifications & Frontiers of Eastern Empire & Abolition of the Schools of Athens, & the Consulship of Rome

482 or 483 Birth of the Emperor Justinian
518-527 Elevation and Reign of his Uncle Justin I.
520-527 Adoption and Succession of Justinian
527-565 The Reign of Justinian; Character and Histories of Procopius; Division of the Reign of Justinian; Birth and Vices of the Empress Theodora – Her Marriage with Justinian, her Tyranny & Virtues
548And Death; Factions of the Circus, At Rome, They distract Constantinople and the East – Justinian favours the Blues
532 Sedition of Constantinople, surnamed Nika
The distress of Justinian, Firmness of Theodora, Sedition is suppressed
Agriculture & Manufactures of the Eastern Empire; Use of Silk by the Romans, Importation from China by Land and Sea; Introduction of Silkworms into Greece; State of the Revenue; Avarice and Profusion of Justinian; Pernicious Savings, Remittances, Taxes, Monopolies, Venality, Testaments; The Ministers of Justinian; John of Cappadocia, His Edifices and Architects; Foundation of the Church of St. Sophia, Description, Marbles, Riches; Churches and Palaces; Fortifications of Europe
Security of Asia after the Conquest of Isauria; Fortifications of the Empire, from the Euxine to the Persian Frontier
488 Death of Perozes, King of Persia
502-505 Persian War; Fortifications of Dara; Caspian or Iberian Gates; Justin Suppresses the Schools Of Athens & their speculations; Proclus
485-529His Successors; Last of the Philosophers
541 Roman Consulship extinguished by Justinian