Scope Of Chapter 43
Fall in The East from Decline And Fall

Rebellions of Africa– Restoration of Gothic Kingdom by Totila–Loss & Recovery of Rome
Final Conquest of Italy by Narses–Extinction of Ostrogoths–Defeat of the Franks & Alemanni
Last Victory, Disgrace & Death of Belisarius
Death & Character of Justinian
Comets, Earthquakes, & Plague

535-45The Troubles of Africa
543-58Rebellion of the Moors
540Revolt of the Goths
Victories of Totila, King of Italy
Contrast of Greek Vice & Gothic Virtue
544-48Second Command of Belisarius in Italy
546 Rome besieged by the Goths; Attempt of Belisarius; Rome taken by the Goths
547Recovered by Belisarius
548Final Recall of Belisarius
549Rome again taken by the Goths
549-51Preparations of Justinian for the Gothic War
552Character and Expedition of the Eunuch Narses; Defeat and Death of Totila
Conquest of Rome by Narses
553Defeat & Death of Teias, the last King of the Goths—Invasion of Italy by the Franks & Alemanni
554Defeat of the Franks & Alemanni by Narses
554-68 Settlement of Italy
559Invasion of the Bulgarians
Last Victory of Belisarius
561His Disgrace and Death
565Death and Character of Justinian
531-39Comets; Earthquakes
542Plague– its Origin and Nature
542-94Extent and Duration