Scope Of Chapter 50
Fall in The East from The Decline And Fall

Mahomet–Description of ArabiaSoil & Climate
Division of the Sandy, Stony & Happy, Arabia
Manners of the Bedoweens, or Pastoral Arabs
The Horse – The CamelCities of Arabia
Mecca–Her TradeNational Independence of Arabs
Their domestic Freedom & Character
Civil Wars & private Revenge – Annual Truce
Their Social Qualifications & Virtues
Love of PoetryGenerosity – Ancient Idolatry
The Caaba, or Temple of Mecca–Sacrifices & Rites
Introduction of the Sabians
The Magians – The Jews – The Christians

Birth & Education of Mahomet; Deliverance of Mecca; Qualifications of the Prophet
One God; Mahomet the Apostle of God
& the last of the Prophets; Moses; Jesus
The Koran; Miracles
Precepts of Mahomet: Prayer, Fasting, Alms
Resurrection, Hell & Paradise
609Mahomet preaches at Mecca
613-22Is opposed by the Koreish
622driven from Mecca
Received as Prince of Medina
622-32 His regal Dignity; He declares War against the Infidels; His defensive Wars against the Koreish of Mecca
623Battle of Beder; Of Ohud
625The Nations, or the Ditch
623-27Mahomet subdues the Jews of Arabia
629Submission of Mecca
629-32Conquest of Arabia
629,30First War of the Mahometans against the Roman Empire
632Death of Mahomet–His Character; Private life of Mahomet, His Wives & Children; Character of Ali
632Reign of Abubeker
334 Reign of Omar
644Reign of Othman
Discord of the Turks and Persians
655Death of Othman
655-60Reign of Ali
655, or 661-80Reign of Moawiyah
680Death of Hosein; Posterity of Mahomet and Ali; Success of Mahomet–Permanency of his Religion; His Merit towards his Country