Scope Of Chapter 53
Fall in The East from The Decline And Fall

State of the Eastern Empire in the 10th Century

Memorials of the Greek Empire—Works of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Their Imperfections
Embassy of LiutprandThemes or Provinces of the Empire & its Limits in every Age
Wealth & Populousness–State of Peloponesus:–
Sclavonians–Freemen of LaconiaCities & Revenue
Manufactures–especially of silk–Transported from Greece to Sicily—Revenue of the Greek Empire
Pomp & Luxury of the Emperors
Palace of Constantinople, Furniture & Attendants
Honours & Titles of the Imperial Family
Offices of the Palace, the State & the Army
Adoration of the Emperor–Reception of Ambassadors. Processions & Acclamations
Marriage of the Caesars with foreign Nations
Imaginary Law of Constantine

972Otho of Germany
988 Wolodomir of Russia – Despotic Power
Coronation Oath–Military Force of the Greeks, the Saracens the Franks
Navy of the Greeks
Tactics & Character of the Greeks
Character & Tactics of the Saracens
Franks or Latins – Their Character & Tactics
Oblivion of the Latin Language
Greek Emperors & their Subjects
retain & assert the Name of Romans
Period of Ignorance
Revival of Greek Learning
Decay of Taste & Genius
Want of National Emulation