Scope Of Chapter 57
In The East from The Decline & Fall

The Seljuk Turks

Mahmud, the Gaznevide; His 12 Expeditions into Hindostan – Character
980-1028Manners & Emigration of the Turks
1038Defeat the Gaznevides & subdue Persia
1038-1152 Dynasty of the Seljukians
1038-1063 Reign & Character of Togrul Beg
1055 He delivers the Caliph of Bagdad
His Investiture
1063And Death
1050 The Turks invade the Roman Empire
1063-1072 Reign of Alp Arslan
1065-1068Conquest of Armenia & Georgia
Emperor Romanus Diogenes
Defeat of Romans
Captivity & Deliverance of Emperor
1072Death of Alp Arslan
1072-1092Reign & Prosperity of Malek Shah
1092His Death
Division of the Seljukian Empire
1074-1084Conquest of Asia Minor by the Turks
The Seljukian Kingdom of Roum
638-1099 State & Pilgrimage of Jerusalem
969-1076 Under the Fatimite Caliphs
1009 Sacrilege of Hakem
1024 Increase of Pilgrimages
1076-1096Conquest of Jerusalem by the Turks