'lnvidia' . . . 'Charitas':
Note from the Letter Charitas by John Ruskin

'Invidia' (Envy) is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. There are also in medieval typology seven virtues, subdivided (as in the passage quoted from Dante and discussed in note 21 ) into three theological virtues and four cardinal. The greatest of the virtues is 'Charitas' (Charity) — see 1 Corinthians xiii.13. In the Arena Chapel in Padua there is a set of monochrome frescoes by Giotto depicting the virtues and vices. Each letter of 'Fors Clavigera' had a frontispiece, five of which were autotype reproductions of these frescoes. Thus, 'Invidia' was used for Letter 6 and 'Charitas' for Letter 7. Letter 10, as will be seen, had 'Injustitia' (Injustice).