1. Present— Ros.Balston, Jan Bickerton, Betty Wassell ,Violy Geist, Beryl King, Ian & Heather Gall, Darcy & Sally Maunder, Doreen Beard and Vince Scouller.
2. APOLOGIES— Barbara Rathmell, Mary Cleary.
3.1. Moved by Heather Gall and seconded by Sally Maunder that the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed as read. CARRIED
4.1 Darcy Maunder advised that he had received no further advice regarding the slab hut.
4.2 Moved by Sally Maunder and seconded by Jan Bickerton that we purchase ten [10] small fold up tables at $59.00 each providing that inspection proves favourable. CARRIED
4.3 Moved by Ros Balston and seconded by Doreen Beard that her letter as read be forwarded to Council . CARRIED
4.4 Bakers Oven, at a meeting with Councillor Mick Cosgrove on Tuesday 26th. August he indicated that the councils engineer Mr. Gary Cook would arrange a date to look at the oven. No date was arranged but Mr. Cook apparently looked the site over on his own. His advice given to President Ros was that the oven was not beyond repair but advised that perhaps a structural engineer should be consulted. Ian Gall questioned the possible costs involved and it was resolved that any consultation be left until further investigations are finalized.
4.5 Ramp to shearer's quarters, advice received is that this has to be designed by an engineer and then be passed by Council. Ian Gall said that this matter is being attended to.
4.6 President Ros stated that advice received from Nevin Olm [Landcare] is that he is in touch with an agromosist regarding the removal of weeds and algae from the creek. Resolved that nothing be done until this advice is received.
5.1 Nil
6.1 Dalby Regional Council regarding access, beautification and Australia Day celebrations.
6.2 Carolee Murphy, DRC re future funding through a Council data base.
7.1 Nil
8.1 The balance sheet attached shows
Balance B/F $5496.66 —Expenditure 169.00—Credit BAL. 5327.66
8.2 Moved by Violy Geist and seconded by Betty Wassell , that the treasurer’s reports be accepted as circulated and read CARRIED
9.1 President Ros advised that Don Blinco had donated some post and rail fencing to the precinct and had these delivered to the site. The secretary to write a letter of thanks.
9.2 The Development Plan for the Association was discussed in full. A draft update had been drawn up by the executive and following explanations and discussion President Ros moved and Beryl King seconded that the updated plan be adopted. CARRIED
9.3 Moved by President Ros and seconded by Ian Gall that President Ros write to Clive Palmer re the possibility of obtaining funding for future development of the site. CARRIED
9.4 Resolved that the father’s day raffle be drawn on Friday 5th Sept, at 3.30 PM at the Community Centre.
9.5 Jan Bickerton reported on a “Wambo” tourism meeting that was held in Jandowae recently. It seemed odd that there was no one from Jandowae present who had contact with the public. The matter will be under review.
9.6 President Ros and Ian Gall reported on a “Wambo” development meeting that they attended. A very well attended and helpful meeting. Resolved that representatives attend the next meeting on September 23rd.
9.7 Betty Wassell advised of a Zone 4 football carnival to be held here in July 2009. Resolved that we support the carnival and make arrangements at a later date.
10. CLOSE—As there was no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20 PM.
The next meeting will be held Monday 6th October 2008, At the Community Centre.
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