MINUTES of meeting held on Monday 1st December 2008

At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.

        1. PRESENT— Darryl Donald, Vince Scouller, Beryl King, Darcy and Sally Maunder, Ros Balston, Heather and Ian Gall, Violy Geist, Shauna Coombes.

2. APOLOGIES—Jan Bickerton, Mary Cleary, Peter Kelly.

3.1. Moved by Ian Gall and seconded by Seconded by Violy Geist that the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed as read    CARRIED


4.1 The tank is to be moved tomorrow morning at 9am.

4.2 Ron Woods is to begin the ramp on 3rd December.  Timber to be delivered tomorrow.  Ros wrote a letter to Ian Staines for assistance with funding, if possible.  Looking at using other possible grants and funding to fix up the inside.

4.3 Ros and Heather are working on the Powerlink grant application and deciding on what to apply for – suggestions include cleaning up the creek and stabilizing its banks.

4.4 Ros is to be reimbursed for the laminator she purchased.

4.5 Brochure: there is now a little map for it.  Darryl is to talk to the council and see if we can get funding to get it printed, or if they will print it for us.

4.6 With the gardening, there is concern about ripping the bricks out, and so plan to ask Ian Usher for assistance/ideas on Wednesday (December 3rd)


5.1 DRC re insurance rebate

5.2 Certificate of Appreciation from School for Rock Eisteddfod donation


6.1 Letter of thanks for Australia Day donation

6.2  Insurance rebate

6.3  Vince moved that the inwards be accepted and outwards endorsed, and Beryl seconded.  Carried




See attached sheet

Moved by Violy Geist and seconded by Heather Gall that the treasurer’s reports be accepted as circulated and all accounts be passed for payment             CARRIED.


9.1 There is to be a separate meeting about Australia Day, but it is proposed to have the same structure as last year.  Jan and Ros will get together and discuss.  Want to open the Shearer’s Quarters on Australia Day as well.  Plan to ask Ray to open it.  Need to source a plaque and also to research the story of the quarters – they were 100 years old last year.  Potentially inviting people who previously lived there.  Heather is to create a list of those who should be informed and invited.  Music is to be provided by Doug again, and Jan has someone in mind to come instead of the bush poet.  The branding is not going to happen and there will be whip plaiting demonstrations.  Perhaps in the future there could be Carol’s by Candlelight/concert’s from there – musicians on the verandah and people on the lawn.

9.2 Ros is to ask Harley Walker for timber to make shelves in his old Dairy.

9.3 Ros presented the Jandowae Magazine article.  Darryl motioned that Ros be responsible for the monthly article.  CARRIED.

9.4 Jan passed on the book from the Event managing training workshop she and Margaret attended.

9.5 Sally moved that we apply for the healthy Queensland award for either more shade structures and/or path’s along the creek and in the Lion’s Park, seconded by Vince.  Heather and Ros are to look at it, and to talk to Donna Ashhurst, if necessary, about the Powerlink and Healthy Queensland Grant’s.

9.6 There are to be working bees in the New Year to clean up the washhouse, cottage and so forth.  May also paint the outside – the verandah rails are to be painted first, and then decision made whether to paint the remainder or not.

9.7  The next community meeting may be sometime in February.

9.8   Darryl discussed the Chamber of Commerce idea with business people in the town, and plans to run a meeting separately to discuss the ideas.

9.9 Letter from Maree Cameron apologizing for not being present at the Community meeting on November 24.  Her suggestions included better organization and support of the volunteers for the Community Centre, and better signage so people realize it is open over the weekend.  She also wishes for more promotion of the art in the Cultural Centre.  The need for more signage is to be suggested to the most appropriate Councillor when they visit.

9.10  Peter Ireland has discussed keeping the mower in the Lions Shed with Annette Purcival.  This is fine, but we cannot have a key and will have to get it off Arthur when we need it.  

9.11 Ros Balston moved that we start an account at Luck Ford for fuel for the mower, seconded by Violy  CARRIED. 

9.12  Darcy moved that we keep a 2-3L tin to keep fuel in, seconded by Ian.  Not carried. 

Rather, the mower is to be refuelled after each use eliminating the need to store fuel. 

10. CLOSEAs there was no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55 pm.

 The next meeting will be held Monday 12th  January 2009,  At the Community Centre.

Heritage Assn




