Jandowae & District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 12th January 2009

At the Community Centre at 7:35pm

1.       Present

Darryl Donald, Jan Bickerton, Ros Balston, Beryl King, Heather and Ian Gall, Shauna Coombes

2.       Apologies

Vince Scouller, Mary Cleary, Violy Geist, Sally and Darcy Maunder, Doreen Beard, Betty Wassell

3.       Minutes of the previous meeting

Moved by Darryl Donald to be a true and accurate account, seconded by Jan Bickerton.

4.       Business arising

The tank has been moved, and is about 1.2 metres short of the railing.  Darryl is to look at it and try and raise it.  Peter Ireland is going to look in Brisbane for recycled wood that would be suitable.

The Powerlink application closing dates are 06/02/09 and early August.  Ros and Heather to work on that in spare time, asking for help with weed control and cleaning out the creek.  The Healthy Queensland  grants close 27/03/09.

Ros is to discuss reimbursement for the laminator with Violy.

Vince is to take the brochure over to Chinchilla.  It has been adjusted to say Jandowae accommodation and caravan, rather than simply Jandowae accommodation.

Jan is going to talk to Ian Usher about the bricks, to see if anything can be done without damaging anything.

The insurance rebate has arrived and been banked by Ros.

An account has been set up at Luck Ford for fuel for the mower.

5.       Inward correspondence

Insurance rebate from Dalby Regional Council

A letter from the QCWA about the sounds of Queensland. 

A letter from the Council about footpaths around Jandowae and the priority assigned to each section.

Letter from Rotary requesting support for Powerlink grant for upgrading their park.  A letter from Dalby Regional Council granting us $1200 for the printing of the Jandowae Brochure. 

Information from Landcare asking about works that could be done via the powerlink grants, and Landcare.

A letter from Maree Cameron apologising for missing the community meeting and putting forward some of her ideas and views about the community.

Australia Day supplies, including flags, bunting and affirmation resources.

6.       Outward correspondence

A letter requesting funding for the brochure.

A letter requesting Australia Day resources.

Beryl moved that this be an accurate record and seconded by Ros.  Carried.

7.       Business arising from the correspondence

Shauna is to reply to QCWA letter with ideas including sounds on a shed roof, corellas, mower, possums and so forth.

Shauna is to write a letter of support for Rotary.  Moved by Ian Gall and seconded by Heather Gall.

A letter of thanks is to be written to the Council thanking them for the funding for the brochure.

8.       Treasurer’s report

See attached sheet

Ros moved that it be accepted and Jan seconded.  Carried.

9.       General business

Congratulations to Ros on getting the Australia Day award, to be presented at the Bun Pub in the evening of Australia day.

Mick is going to present the Australia Day address.

Working bees need to be scheduled to clean the Shearer’s hut.  It is no longer going to be opened on Australia Day.  One option is to open it later in the year, with a camp oven dinner.  It will be closed up for Australia Day, and hopefully the verandah railing will be installed by then.  Branding could be done at the opening of the Shearer’s quarters.

For Australia Day celebrations:

Flag raising to be a part of it?

-          Cyril Reimers could sit on the Shearer’s quarters verandah to do his whip plaiting

-          Ian Gall and Tony Balston are in charge of the cooking – sausages and toad in hole.  To use Galls bbq, and Mary’s, if possible.  Peter offered his as well if it is necessary.  Ros will supply bbq tools and a scone cutter, and Jan the oil.

-          Jan to organise the food – 300 sausages, 12 dozen eggs, 10 loaves of bread, a bottle each of tomato and bbq sauce.  She is also to organise plastic cutlery and crockery.  Already have plenty of cups and serviettes.

-          Jan is to borrow the golf clubs Bay Marie, and Ros the Anglican Church’s urn.  To bring along power cords as necessary.

-          Jan to organise tea, coffee, sugar and 4L of milk, as well as a sign for the drinks stand and purchasing softdrinks.

-          Ros will produce a flyer and advertise around town.

-          Small table from Beryl

-          Asking the bottom pub to provide ice and cool the drinks and water.

-          Charge a gold coin donation for breakfast and for damper

-          To run: egg and spoon race, three legged race and sack race.  To be run by Andrew Tuppack and Barbara Rathmell.  Vince will organise the gopher challenge and Grace will judge.  Prices will be freddo frogs, a flag and a tattoo.  Need to borrow Wheelie bins for French Cricket.

-          Doug to supply singing and sound equipment.  Jan to approach Brian Weir from Dalby re bush poetry.

-          Ros organising borrowing shade covers and tables from Rotary and other people.

-          ABC radio for advertising – 1300747222 – program called “around the ridges”

-          Advising the Dalby Regional Council about the event so they can publicise it.

-          The official part is to be raising the flag, the affirmation and a speech – to follow the defined procedure from the Australia day resources.  Mick Cosgrove is to talk at about 9:30.  Doug will MC.  Location of official part to be decided on the day, with regards to weather.  Jan to contact Barbara so she can contact the two school captains and ask them to do the flag raising.

-          Breakfast begins at 7am.  Helpers to arrive between 5:30 and 6:00am.


The windmill is to be fixed tomorrow, and turning it is a possibility.  It could be hooked up to run into the waterfall, potentially.  Peter Ireland is going to be there.

Proposed to change the meeting to the second Monday of each month, so we can use the larger room at the community centre.  Jan to ask Violy if it’s possible.  Motion carried by general agreement.

Ros to send photos about the Baker’s oven and follow up.

Jandowae business’s met at 5:30pm on a Thursday in December.  The business houses are keen to help out around the town and start a Chamber of Commerce or similar.  Rose and Craig from the Council have been invited to the next one on the coming Thursday afternoon.  Discussed the core people to invite, in order to get a functional, committed group to begin with, and expand later.

Meeting at the hospital last Thursday about the redevelopment of the aged care section.  Was mostly from Queensland Health about what they plan to do with aged care beds, and the plan to upgrade them.

Darryl is to follow up with the council about the funding for the steel and wood for the ramp.

Donations of the Ladies Handbook and Donald Gersekoskwi’s copybook have been made.  Next time Vicki is in the area, she is to be asked about how best to preserve them.

10.   Close 9:25pm

Next meeting details: 7:30pm 9 February 2009 At the Community Centre

Heritage Assn




