Present: Darryl Donald, Violy Geist, Jan Bickerton, Sister Mary
Cleary, Betty Wassell, Beryl King, Peter Kelly, Ros
Balston, Vince Scouller, Ian Gall, Heather Gall, Shauna Coombes
2. Apologies: Jack Lockhart, Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder,
Darcy Maunder
Minutes of the previous meeting: Moved to be a true and accurate record by Heather Gall,
seconded by Jan Bickerton. Carried
4. Business arising:
Peter Ireland is to hook
the windmill back up to the tank, so that water can flow into the trough, and
overflow into a waterfall. The Shearer’s
quarters need to be made gopher
accessible, which can be achieved by moving a couple of posts and adjusting
the ramp as necessary. Darryl has found
some wood that would be suitable to add to the verandah
railing, however, it has been suggested to Vince that the railing is left as it
is, as what is there is a handmade piece of railing that came from Mt Ivory,
and is over 100 years old. It was
decided to leave it in the hands of the building committee, to do as they see
The Powerlink
application was due on 6 February, and was posted and dated on that day. Ros contacted Powerlink,
and, provided it was there by Wednesday, that wasn’t a problem. The construction of walkways was included as
a future possibility.
Ros still needs to get Violy the invoice for the laminator to be reimbursed.
Vince still hasn’t been
able to contact the person in Chinchilla about the brochure. Jennie at the newsagents suggested contacting
Jan has talked to Ian
Usher about the garden, and anything done will ruin the path. Jan will poison the plants after the wedding,
and has also poisoned other plants down there, as necessary.
to ignore the sounds of
Australia Day was very
successful, even though it was rather wet.
$380.90 was banked, giving a net profit of $179.77. The attendance was higher than previously,
however, there were low numbers of young people, and the event is definitely
worth continuing. The positioning of the
races and shade covers this year was very good.
Not many drinks were sold, perhaps because of the weather. When it was raining, water was dripping onto
one of the outside fluro lights, through a leak in
the roof. Letters of thanks need to go
to Cyril Reimers, Morrissey’s, Rotary, Brian Weier, Doug Henning, Mick Cosgrove
and the school captains, as well as anyone else involved. Thanks go to everyone in the association for
all their work, particularly Jan with everything she did with organizing it.
The meetings are now to
be held on the second Monday of each month, as we can use the larger room at
the Community Centre. Unfortunately,
this clashes with Lions; however, it was decided to keep it on the second
Ros has sent a disc with
photos of the Baker’s Oven on it to Brian.
Vince asked Keith Birchall, from Kingaroy, to
look at it, and said it was fully restorable.
It needs underpinning on the back corner, and the brickwork needs work
done on it. It contains no asbestos. It is clay lined, with a sand filled roof, so
if it is going to collapse, it will collapse from the roof down. To restore it back to working order, the
ballpark figure is $25,000. We need to
decide if we want it in working order. We
also need to wait for the report back from Brian, as there is the possibility
that the Council may assist with funding any repairs done.
The second meeting with
the business houses went well. Rose and
Craig attended. The decision was made
not to form a chamber of commerce, but rather to form a business subcommittee
of the progress and heritage association, wit the power to expand as necessary,
and the aim of progress the business opportunities of the town. Finances will be run separately, however,
they will be asked to join as members of the heritage and progress
association. Motion moved by Mary
Cleary. Seconded by
Jan Bickerton.
Nil against, carried.
No one was able to make
it to the meeting in Chinchilla. At the
next opportunity, Vicki Warden is to be asked about the best way to preserve
the old document. Over time, investigate
the possibility of getting some glass cabinets, either picking them up second
hand or getting them made, if possible.
Ros has received a
letter and application form for the funding for the ramp, and so all that is
needed it an account from Ron Wood. Ros
is to fill out the application.
There is a meeting at
the hospital on 25 February, and anyone who wishes to attend is welcome
to. RSVP for catering by 16 February.
5. Inward correspondence
Bill from Nelson’s meat
for Australia Day
Bill from Five star
groceries for Australia Day
from Vintage Veteran’s Chevrolet Club of Queensland. They will be in Jandowae on 14/15 April, and
are asking for the cottage to be opened.
Jan has agreed this won’t be a problem, and is organizing it. They were very impressed by a copy of Vince’s
brochure that Jan gave them.
from Dalby Regional Council about
funding for the ramp for the Shearer’s Quarters.
Letters of support for Powerlink grant
application from Taralga Show Society
and Mary Cleary.
6. Outward correspondence
for Paul Price for Centrelink funding. Contacted by Marg Atkinson
about Paul going onto the volunteer roster, to fulfill
the volunteer requirements for his mobility allowance. Paul is to be responsible for the wheelie bin
each week, and some weeding and other odd jobs.
Letter of support for
the Rotary grant
Letter of thanks for
brochure funding
Powerlink grant application, sent
with letters of support, and a quote from Peter Ireland
by Betty that all correspondence be accepted and seconded by Beryl. Carried
7. Business arising from the correspondence - Nil
8. Treasurer’s report
See attached sheet.
Violy moved report for
adoption and that accounts received are paid.
Seconded by Vince.
9. General business
Rotary fete is coming
up. Propose to do nachos again. Last year, had 8kg mince, and used 6kg, as
well as 12 packets of corn chips, lettuce, sour cream, cheese and tomatoes,
some of which were donated. 56 people
were served, and $339 was made. Jan has
ordered supplies for this year’s fete, and she needs helpers and a float from Violy. People are
needed to cook the mince. Heather
offered to donate and cook 2kg mince, and Ros to cook 3kg. Jan is to cook 2kg. Nachoes will cost
the same as the Rotary bbq – charged $5 last
year. Jan is to check with Grace, and
Ros will make a sign. Mary, Beryl and
Betty volunteered to help. Doreen will
also help if she is able to.
is to write a letter of support for changing the name of the Council from Dalby
Regional Council to Western Downs Regional Council. Letter to be sent to the
Local Government Electoral and Boundaries Review Commission (GPO box 1393
Shauna is also to write
a letter to the Council thanking them for the Welcome to Jandowae signs, and
asking about the possibility of an information sign. Jan is also to ask about that at the meeting
reports that shelves have been fitted into the dairy. Before we do any more work on either the
Shearer’s Quarters or the Dairy, we need a shed to store equipment in that is
currently stored in the Shearer’s Quarters and the Dairy. One option is to get a shipping container
(approximately $3100 for 20 footer), and place it behind the fence that Darcy
is going to construct. Jan can plant
around it to disguise it. Another option
is to build a shed, minimum 10 by 15 feet, between the shearer’s quarters and
the tank so that it is out of sight, and won’t go underwater. The shipping container is too expensive. We would like to have some arrangements in
place before fence gets built. The fence
is to go in front of the shed, from the verandah of
the shearer’s quarters back to the creek on the other side of the pepperina
tree. Ian Gall has a roof that could be
suitable – it is fully built, and could be easily transported in, and then
walled in. The floor would have to be
cemented. Ros is going to ask the
Council if they could potentially assist with funding. Ross Hartwig has a
shed dairy that we could use, potentially.
John Blinco may have stuff at the sawmill we could use.
Sub committee of Peter, Jan, Vince, Ian and anyone else interested to
look at it. Shauna is to write a letter
of thanks to Rod Dolley for the painting he did. The blind for the front of the cottage is sitting
in the Shearer’s quarters, and needs to be installed.
Jamieson was shown the land we want last Monday, but didn’t seem overly keen on
committing to anything. He is happy for
us to do the work and wasn’t aware of the financial situation. We need to decide if we should ask Daph if she’s interested in selling, as having the land
would make the entrance more interesting.
is still organizing signs to go up outside of town, on people’s private
property. The sign writer is happy to do
it, and she still has to talk to Shaun Morrissey and ask about sheet
metal. We need to establish whether we
still need permission from Main Roads, even though they are going on people’s
private property.
asked about who is responsible for mowing the streets and parks, and the maintenance
of it all, as there some patches seem to be missed. Darryl is to ring Timmy Dreds
about the lanes getting mown and not mown, and ask about it.
close 9:05pm
Next meeting 7:30pm at
the Community Centre on Monday 9 March 2009.