Jandowae & District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.
Minutes of meeting Monday 9th March 2009

at the Community Centre at 7:30 pm

1.       Present:  Darryl Donald, Vince Scouller, Jan Bickerton, Peter Ireland, Sally Maunder, Betty Wassell,

                         Doreen Beard, Peter Kelly, Margaret Atkinson, Heather Gall, Ian Gall, Ros Balston, Shauna Coombes

2.       Apologies: Beryl King, Jack Lockhart, Sister Mary Cleary, Violy Geist

3.       Minutes of the previous meeting:  Moved to be a true and accurate record by H Gall, seconded by V Scouller.   Carried

4.       Business arising:

The windmill has not been fixed yet, and Dennis Ehrlich is going to look at it and fix it.  The trough has been hooked back up.

Attempted to contact group about brochure with no luck.  The invoice is to be sent/forwarded to Donna Ashhurst at Dalby Regional Council.

Jan has yet to deal with the plants at the cottage.

Ros has spoken to Bob McCarthy about the baker’s oven.  The reports have gone to Garry Cook (spelling – I’m not sure who it is).  Ros needs to check if the mortar is lime or cement and pass these details on.

There needs to be a shed, so everyone is to keep thinking about it and keep an eye out for anything that could be suitable.  Peter Ireland has suggested we develop a plan of the area, including the shed, and the location of the post and rail fence that Darcy is going to build, to assist with planning.

Peter Ireland has fixed the water coming in at the light.

Working bee at the Cottage 13/03/09, meeting at 8:30am.

Ros has the account for the ramp and is to apply for a grant under the minor grant scheme, after contacting Ed to see if we should pay it and then be reimbursed, or wait for the grant before paying it.

Rotary fete went well, with a net profit of $240.60.

Jan hasn’t heard from the Vintage Veteran’s Chevrolet Club of Queensland, but it is all under control.

Darryl is talking to Donna about signs for the information centre.  One suggestion is to have a flag on the second flagpole saying open on it, or to ask for an “i” sign.

Peter Kelly has asked George about the mowing, who will pass the information onto the relevant person at the Council.

Ros has attempted to contact Shaun about the signs, unsuccessfully so far.  Plan is to put them up on private property, with the owner’s permission, without troubling Main Roads about it.

5.       Inward correspondence

        Letter about TGIF shirts

        Account from Ron Woods

6.       Outward correspondence

        Thank you notes re Australia Day

Moved by R Balston that all correspondence be accepted and seconded by S Maunder.  Carried

7.       Business arising from the correspondence  - Nil

8.       Treasurer’s report

        See attached report.

        Bank Balance: $5481.81

        J Bickerton presented and moved that it be accepted.  Seconded by D Beard.  Carried

9.       General business

Suggested that the business group and/or we do something at the Opera at Jimbour on 25 July.  Ros has sent a submission to Donna Ashhurst – are going to suggest to the business group that they do a small “Promote Jandowae” display, and we will do a small amount of nachos. 

                Moved by J Bickerton,  seconded by B Wassel,  carried.

There is to be a town meeting in early April.

Concern that people are not staying at the Caravan Park as much since it has changed hands.  There appears to be less advertising as well as increased prices, which is losing tourism for the town.  People are also unable to camp at the Showgrounds anymore.

Jan has been contacted about catering for the Ag Solutions breakfast.  Last time, they rang up and cancelled a couple of days beforehand.  Jan said we are interested in doing it, provided they don’t cancel again.  The meeting is at the Memorial Hall, 7:00am, 19 March.  They would like a cooked breakfast – eggs, sausages, tomato, toast, honey, marmalade, juice, tea and coffee, and are able to set up the hall, so all we have to do is cook. 

Proposed that we charge $15 a head – there are expected to be 50-60 people there. 

                Moved by P Ireland  and seconded by M Atkinson.  Carried.

It should be suggested to the Council that more publicity is needed for the dates of their Jandowae visits, such as putting it in the date claimers in the magazine rather than the Regional Update.

There are problems with frogs in the toilet at the cottage again.

A powerpoint at the Memorial Hall is not working – the one that the pie warmer plugs into.  Darryl will talk to Mick and see if it can be fixed, as well as suggesting that the microwaves be checked or replaced, the powerpoints be fixed and the pie warmer be checked.  Darryl and Betty are to take care of.

The healthy Queensland grants seem a bit ambitious for us.  There is a definite plan for paths around the town; however, they may not provide funding for government bodies.  Suggested that we provide support for other groups applying for the grants rather than applying for it ourselves.

B Wassell moved S Coombes  be given a petty cash account.  Seconded by S Maunder.  Carried

Meeting close 9:05pm


Next meeting 7:30pm at the Community Centre on Monday 11 May 2009.

Heritage Assn




