The Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Grace moved and Beryl seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried
Business arising from the minutes:
Heather is still to contact the school about visiting our precinct.
Peter is to contact the Council about the wash out in the Creek.
Correspondence:Inwards: Timber Town Festival Committee re. official opening at our precinct and celebration of 20 year Centenary of Athlone Cottage, WDRC Remittance for $800, Wambo Wind Farm Grant acceptance $10072, (Heather to ring and accept offer), ATO (Not for profit return for income tax exemption) . Outwards: Nil
Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Ian. Carried
Treasurer's Report: Cr. Balance $568.48. Income: WDRC $800, ANZ 2 cents Expenses: Ron Woods (wagon roof) $2251.40
An account is on hand for repairs to the windmill from Darren Ehrlich $126.50 and was passed for payment.
Term Deposit: $11,841.33,
Margaret moved her report be adopted, seconded Geoff. Carried
General Business:
Timber Town are to hold an Afternoon Tea on Friday 7th June at our Heritage precinct. It is the 20th Anniversary of the Precinct. Timber carving to take place near the wagon. Vicky & Geoffery, Margaret and Beryl will be attending for the official opening of the Timber Town Festival at 3pm and Peter will attend when it is possible for him to do so. The Festival Committee will attend to all details for the occasion. Heather and Ian will open the precinct on Saturday morning for a few hours if people come. Church Service at 9.30 on Sunday 9th.
Members to check out the pavers on the front path. Ron Woods is to be asked to clean under the offending pavers. An 'In Kind Assistance Grant' may be necessary to attend to the pavers in the future. Wayne Giles will attend to the weed maintenance on creek.
Complaints were made to Peter re. noise from the windmill so Darren Ehrlich attended to this matter.
The meeting accepted the quote from Wossells $131.78 for the brass plate for the Wambo sign.
Margaret is to send a get well card to Doreen.
Successful bus trip from Highfields to the complex last Thursday. 40 people attended. Geoffery attended their lunch at Wombats Cafe and gave a talk on the town history. In future a donation is to be requested when bus loads visit the complex. A report appeared on the "Ask Jandowae" Facebook page.