Minutes Of Meeting Held On 10/1/24
By Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting.

Present: Peter & Grace, Heather & Ian, Margaret, Jade

Apologies: Doreen, Beryl

The Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Peter moved and Ian seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried

Business arising from the minutes:

Correspondence: Inwards: WDRC re. Australia Day Money Order for $800 and information on Wambo Table, Ron Woods (quote), WDRC Refund Public Liability, Lorraine Applebee (booklet 1940's Heather to send a thank you letter), Kiera–Lee Robinson (Wedding on August 9th – quote for $150 for mowing, 35 chairs and use of the grounds, no alcohol or food).
Outwards: Tax Invoice to Council for $800 for Australia Day.
Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Grace. Carried

Treasurer's Report: Cr. Balance $2419.72. Income: Jinghi Valley Fire Brigade $100, Australia Day Donations $292 ( BBQ $230, Drinks $62), WDRC Public Liability $531.80), Bank Charges Refunded $16.— Total $939.80
Expenses: Spar $52.22.
Term Deposit: $11,841.33, is to be reinvested on 12th February for 12 months @ 4.7%
Margaret moved her report be adopted, seconded Jade. Carried

General Business:

Next meeting: on April 13th at 9am