The Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Beryll moved and Ian seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried
Business arising from the minutes :
Peter has spoken to Ron about lining the rooms in the Shearer's Quarters and the School.
Wayne Giles mowed the lawn.
Plaque on the log is to be attended to.
A frame to be attached to the wall explaining the history of the Wambo Table.
Correspondence:Inwards: WDRC Mitchell Pogan re. Australia Day Breakfast, WDRC $600 for Morning Tea for Big Skies. Outwards: Claim for Public Liability to Smarty Grants.
Heather moved that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Doreen. Carried
Treasurer's Report: Cr. Balance $1532.14. Income: $600 WDRC, Donations and Subs $16.70, $100 donation from the Bush Fire Brigade is to be banked Expenses: P. Ireland (fertilizer) $36.36, Office Fair Trading $60.05, B. King (mulch) $33, Account Servicing Fees $16, P. Ireland (sprinklers) $55.46.
Term Deposit $11,630.47.
Margaret moved her report be adopted, seconded Doreen. Carried
General Business:
The blue seat cannot be repaired and Heather is to approach the Council to replace the 2 seats in our grounds. We would like cement to be placed under the one near the trough.
6 Young people from the QUT cleaned our Precinct for 3 hours and the Committee is very appreciative of this kind gesture.
Australia Day Breakfast:
the Ambassador is a possibility at this stage as we are hosting the awards ceremony.
Cammie and Charlie will play the music.
Peter is to talk to David re. the fishing and games and Heather to ask Colleen to assist.
A gold coin donation to Margaret for breakfast.
Peter to approach Michael Wood and Junior Rugby League re. shades and cooking the sausages & eggs.
Margaret to put up signs in the CBD, Peter put up the sign at the front of Athlone and Heather to put it on facebook.
Peter to see Tanya re. dusting and Heather to ask Sally re. selling drinks.
Heather to purchase 100 plates, 100 cups, 100 forks at Cleaning & Catering, 10 dozen sausages, 6 loaves bread, 9 dozen eggs from the butcher, margarine, tomato & bbq sauce, 4 litres milk from Spar.