MINUTES of meeting held on Monday 4th August 2008

At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.

1. Present— Ros.Balston, Jan Bickerton, Mary Cleary, Beryl King, Ian & Heather Gall, Tom Bradley, Sally Maunder and Vince Scouller.

2. APOLOGIES— Violy Geist and Doreen Beard. .

3.1. Moved by Jan Bickerton and seconded by Mary Cleary that the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed as read    CARRIED


4.1 Sally Maunder advised that as yet the owner of the slab hut had not reached a decision as to what he intends to do regarding its’ future .

4.2 painting on the dairy has been completed. Working bee to display items has still to be arranged.

4.3 Members reminded to look out for small tables for visitors use.

4.4 President Ros advised that she is still working on the letter to Council regarding paving

4.5 Tom Bradley advised that the pruning of the street trees would be attended to later in the year. This would allow them time to settle into their positions.


5.1 Qld. Audit Services Re audit.

5.2 Jandowae Kindergarten Invitation to quiz night.

5.3 Dept. of Fair Trading, Tourism etc. re:Annual Return of Association form.,/p>

5.4 Dalby Regional Council Reply to Chamber of Commerce grant application.

5.5 Dalby Chamber of Commerce Addressing Council’s negative reply.

5.6 Darren Alps Reply to discussion with Ian Gall re Bakers Oven


6.1 Mike and Ann Green Thanks for donation.

Moved by Mary Cleary and seconded by Heather Gall that the inward correspondence be received and the outward adopted. CARRIED


7.1 Audit requirements will remain as last year. [Level 3 self audit]

7.2 Ian Gall explained that he had contacted Darren Alps re his concern over safety aspects of the oven. Darren replied that possible litigation was a concern and that immediate steps be taken to have the oven repaired or demolished. A temporary tape barrier has been placed around the site. Tom Bradley said that he would contact Jeff Barber [bricklayer] to see if repairs are possible and possible cost. He has also been in contact with Beth Woods [Dalby] regarding the possibility of having some trainees do some work if this is possible

7.3 Moved by Jan Bickerton and seconded by Heather Gall that Councillor Mick Cosgrove be contacted to endeavour to have Council erect a more secure fence around the oven while a final decision is reached regarding the future of this site. CARRIED


The report from the treasurer showed that our bank balance remained the same as the previous month [Cr $ 5496.66] with no transactions taking place.

Moved by Heather Gall and seconded by. Beryl King that the treasurer’s report be accepted as circulated. CARRIED.


9.1 Ian Gall is to contact Ron Woods to arrange a meeting at the shearer’s quarters so that work can proceed with the ramp etc.

9.2 President Ros is to contact Nevin Olm [Landcare] regarding the present untidy state of the creek. What can be done regarding the reeds and algae?

9.3 Jan Bickerton is to obtain spray from Tom Robinson and spray the clover and weeds in the lawn.

9.4 The AGM will be held on the 6thOctober. Tom Bradley has been asked to chair this meeting and it is hoped that someone from the Dalby Regional Council will be available as a Guest speaker. President Ros asked all to try and find new members.

9.5 The Australia day function was discussed. Resolved that we write to the Dalby Regional Council for possible funding, that contact be made with the bush poets and other “entertainers” such as Cyril Reimers with his whip plaiting.

9.6 Tom Bradley suggested that mining companies that operate within the shire should be contacted for possible finance under their community projects schemes.

9.7 Resolved that our development plan be discussed at the next meeting.

10. CLOSE—As there was no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45 pm.

The next meeting will be held Monday 1st September 2008, At the Community Centre.

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