Minutes of meeting held on Monday 7th. May 2007

                                         At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.



1.                   PRESENT 

Ros.Balston, Jan Bickerton, Mary Cleary, Violy Geist, Doreen Beard and Vince Scouller.


2                     APOLOGIES  Nil





3.1. Moved by Mary Cleary and seconded by Jan Bickerton that the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed as read.                                                                                                       CARRIED


4.                   BUSINESS ARISING


4.1    President Ros reported that the workshop held with Vicki Warden on the 14th. April was most rewarding and a lot of useful knowledge had been gained. Doreen Beard agreed with Ros on the success of the meeting.


4.2    Westernforce Landscaping has commenced with preliminary work on the paving; they expect to lay the pavers next week.


4.3    The working bee held on 12th. April successfully cleaned up the creek bank and Council workers removed a lot of debris from near the neighbour’s property. Looks good.



4.4    President Ros has spoken to Councillor Tom Bradley re the repairs to the trough, but other than stating that he knows how to fix it nothing has eventuated. Resolved that he be given one last try and President Ros agreed to contact him again.


4.5 Tickets for the Mothers Day Raffle have sold well. The draw will be held at the Library at 3.30pm.on





                5.1 Wambo Shire Council                                  Notification re paving payment.


5.2 Vicki Warden                                                 Notice of Oral History Conference, Brisbane, 27th to30th Sept. 07


5.3 Cycle Qld                                                       Brochure on bike riders visit September 2nd.




6.1 Wambo Shire Council                                   Notification of first workshop


6.2 Councillor Tom Bradley                                Update on works carried out & upcoming events


6.3 Vicki Warden                                                  Thanks for workshop


6.4 Wambo Shire Council                                   Requesting Council pay paving contractors for GST purposes.


6.5 Jandowae & Dist. Show Society Thanks for Donation






Wambo Shire Council has agreed to pay the paving contractors direct and we will have to make a donation to Council. A saving of around $139.00


Moved by Vince Scouller and seconded by Violy Geist that the inward correspondence be received and the outward adopted                                                                                                   CARRIED


8                      TREASURER’S REPORT


Violy reported that a donation of $50.00 was received along with money collected so far from the raffle of $180.00.

Bal B/F  $4332.38

Income       230.00

Balance $4562.38

There was no expenditure for the month


Moved by Violy Geist and seconded by Jan Bickerton. That the treasurer’s reports be accepted as circulated and all accounts be passed for payment                             CARRIED.


9.             GENERAL BUSINESS


9.1 President Ros reported that Ev. Bradley had arranged another visit of “oldies” from Taralga for morning tea at the cottage. They had an enjoyable outing.


9.2 The channel 7 Sunrise weather team broadcast their program from the cottage, as they preferred the site to Lions Park. Lions served over 500 sausages for breakfast. Altogether a successful morning


9.3 Ian Wassell is ready to move in the cottage. A working bee was held to move the 5 bottle trees from the fence line to other positions in the grounds. Peter Ireland and his backhoe made this look easy. The irrigation solenoid controls were also moved to make way for the new pavers. The digging up of the power line was not on the agenda.


9.4 It was resolved to hold a morning tea at the Library on the 23rd. May commencing at 2.30. This is for members and volunteers to acquaint them with new forms to be filled out upon receiving any donations for possible exhibits. This will help us maintain control of exhibits and prevent any ownership problems that could arise in the future.


9.5 President Ros is to contact Vicki Warden to arrange the next workshop meeting.


9.6 It was reported that the majority of tourists fail to stop at the information centre. The suggestion was made that the present information signage is to close to the centre, they have past it when they read it, signs at the corner of High & Jimbour Sts. stating “I next right” and High & Dalby Sts. “I next Left” would be more appropriate.  This will be taken up with Council.


9.7 It was resolved to leave the list of places on the Heritage Trail List intact. It was felt that a glossy brochure should be produced and President Ros is to contact Cassy Skinner for ideas re costs and artwork. Doug Henning is also to be contacted.


9.8 President Ros reported that Michael Wood is to look at the lamps with a view to changing them over to 240W application.




As there was no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20.pm.


The next meeting will be held

18th June 2007

At the Community Centre


Heritage Assn Clubs Map Services Events Citizens