MINUTES of meeting held on Monday  
8 February 2010
At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.

1. Present— Darryl Donald, Violy Geist, Ian Gall, Heather Gall, Vince Scouller, Doreen Beard, Jan Bickerton, Ros Balston, Betty Wassell, Peter Ireland, Beryl King, Chris Cooper, Ros Cooper, Sister Mary Cleary, Margaret Atkinson


2. APOLOGIES— Darcy Maunder, Sally Maunder.


Presented by Ros Cooper; One change to be made, Cyrill Reimers to do whip plating not cracking, moved by Ros Balston that the minutes be accepted with the one change, Seconded by Peter Ireland,CARRIED



4.1 Darryl to remind Michael Wood the electrician about the security lights at the cottage.


4.2 Ros Balston mentions that the volunteer grant for gardening equipment needs spending, so far only the portable shade has been brought. Discussion on purchasing fire blanket & extinguisher, Ros Balston spoke with a member of the fire brigade who said we probably don’t need these as there are hoses around and there is no cooking done inside, decided against buying them.   Need to purchase Vacuum blower, wheelbarrow, shovel, hedge trimmer, urn, backpack sprayer, digging fork $1187.00 to spend, Jan to organise moved by Betty Wassell, seconded by Margaret Atkinson CARRIED.


4.3 There is still $3000.00 from Council to go towards interpretive signing, needs doing before April; Ros Balston would like a hand, Heather and Margaret to help.


4.4  Darryl to talk to a Mr Lays to find out what needs doing with the Wambo Log.


4.5 Vince complimented ladies on the mannequins. Ros Balston said Australia Day was very good and there was lots of help. Ray Brown commended for his commentary on the sheep shearing



Presented by Ros Cooper;


5.1 Letter from MLA regarding Beef up forum to be held Wednesday the 17th of February at the Jandowae Hall. Committee is catering for Lunch, Smoko & BBQ dinner. There will be a minimum of 60 people but numbers are to be confirmed later in the week. Jan to get fruit and bread. Sandwiches and slices to be made. For dinner two salads and potato bake required. Maybe a wombok salad and a tossed salad. Jan suggests buying in bulk and all ingredients get booked down to the cottage because otherwise it gets to costly. Pre-pack coleslaws can be purchased in bulk, just need to add dressings.  MLA will supply and cook meat. BBQ needs to be supplied. Jan to ask if disposable cups can be used for lunch and afternoon tea. Two daddy coolers available for water throughout the day.


5.2  Ros Cooper received a reply email from Paul Smith regarding missing items from Athlone cottage; he wanted to know where we would like the council to go from here as the value of the items is insufficient to make an insurance claim. Decided nothing further to happen, from here.

5.3  An open invitation was received from the Jandowae State School to attend the opening of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden on March the 3rd at 2pm.

5.4  Ros Balston received an email regarding a Heritage Network Meeting to be held in Tara on Wednesday the 17th of February at 10am if anyone is interested.

5.5  Ros Balston received a phone call from Lyn Taylor offering us an old small telephone. Yes it will be accepted


Moved by Beryl King that correspondence be accepted as read; seconded by Jan Bickerton, CARRIED






  7.1  Thankyou notes to be sent out to everyone who helped or donated items for the Australia Day celebrations.

  7.2  Thankyou card to be sent to Shauna Combes for being secretary.

  7.3  Darryl bought up the idea of purchasing Jeff Bassingthwaight’s shop and suggested that a letter be written to the council regarding this and asking that they put it in there 50 year plan. Ros Balston moved this suggestion, seconded by Ian Gall CARRIED

  7.4   Jan brought up the issue of storage, for now the other room in the shearer’s quarters can be used. Regarding the 2 Corn planters, Peter was unsure if we needed both of them he is worried about the one on the ramp, Betty will take it back.

  7.5  Ian Gall has been offered a Mouldboard plough for the cottage.

  7.6  Peter brought up the oven and what is to be done with it. A decision needs to be made on it; if it stays a fence needs to be erected around it as it is getting dangerous. Have had verbal quotes that would cost from $30,000 - $80,000 to restore it, and the committee can not afford that. Darryl suggested that it be advertised that money needs to be raised to be able to restore it otherwise it will be knocked down. Clive Palmer has offered to pay for the restoration suggested that a letter be written to him asking if he is still willing to. Vince suggested a letter be written to Keith Birchall in Kingaroy regarding restoration. Jan Bickerton moved that the letters be written to Clive Palmer and to Keith Birchall in Kingaroy on behalf of the committee, Peter Ireland Seconded CARRIED. Ros Balston will ring Clive Palmer’s solicitor first to find out how to go about it.  


7.7    Darryl brought up the Timbertown festival which will be held on the Queens birthday weekend in June, how the committee can get involved. Possibly help with the poet’s breakfast at the golf club on Sunday morning.


8           Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Violy Geist, one report attached.


Moved by Violy Geist that the report be accepted as read, seconded by Vince Scouller CARRIED.


9. Meeting Closed.

The next meeting will be held Monday 8th March,2010  7. 30 pm at the Community Centre.

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