Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 8 March 2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present

Darryl Donald, Violy Geist, Ian Gall, Heather Gall, Vince Scouller, Doreen Beard, Jan Bickerton, Ros Balston, Betty Wassell, Peter Ireland, Chris Cooper, Ros Cooper, , Margaret Atkinson


  1. Apologies

Darcy Maunder, Sally Maunder, Beryl King, Sister Mary Cleary


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 11th January 2010

Presented by Ros Cooper; One change to be made, Clive Palmer didn’t offer to pay for the restoration of the bakers oven, all he did was make a comment that it would not cost much to fix it. Moved by Peter Ireland that the minutes be accepted with the one change, Seconded by Vince Scouller, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Jan still to order the gardening equipment for the volunteer grant, it will be ordered locally.


Ros Balston is still organising the panels for the interpretive signage, and suggests that one of the panels explains Jandowae and it’s relevance to the Murray Darling Scheme. Another panel could explain about Jandowae’s history, the squatters, Jimbour Station, Jinghi Station, Cresley and how Jandowae started. There are six panels in total. The other panels are to be about Athlone, Shearers Quarters, Windmill and Wambo Log. Hopefully the signs could be done before Timbertown Festival which is in June. Half the money is already in the bank and the committee is to make up the rest. Armor Signs in NSW is doing the signs and they just require the text and a few pictures. The signs will be beneficial as times when the Cottage is unattended visitors can still read about Jandowae’s Heritage.


With regards to the sign to be put out the front of cottage, in the past it was decided that it would read Athlone Cottage Jandowae, and this is still agreed with.


Darryl saw Mr Lays to find out what needs doing with the Wambo Log. Mr Lays said that he gave some things to Tom Bradley regarding this. For the blackboard Mr Lays said that you use a waterbased paint, but could not remember anything else.


Ros Balston was talking to Lyn Taylor regarding the old telephone that she offered. It turns out the she doesn’t actually have the telephone but has a couple of books about the exchange. She said a fellow in Chinchilla has the head piece and a lady in Chinchilla has the exchange.


Ros Balston said a letter has not been sent to Clive Palmer yet regarding the Baker’s oven as another group in the community is approaching him for support, and we will hold off until later.


Inward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper;


- A letter from Queensland Gas Company stating that the Environmental Impact Statement has been released and is available to be viewed and commented on.

- A letter was received from the council regarding the 2010 Ergon Energy Tidy Towns Awards. It stated that Only Keep Australia Beautiful Qld members can enter this competition with cost for a non-profit organisation been $55and this would be the only cost for entering the competition. The council will be responsible for reimbursement of the membership fees. Applications are online and close on Friday the 26th of March. Unsure as to the process, as previously the council have nominated a town. Ros Cooper to ring Jody Taylor and find out more information. A decision on the application to be left to the executive as applications close before the next committee meeting. Peter Ireland Moved that this be accepted, Seconded by Betty Wassell CARRIED.

- Ros Cooper received an email from Sarah Due of Agforce asking if the committee would be willing to cater for a upcoming MSA day on the 15th of April at the Memorial Hall, Jandowae. They require Morning Smoko which would be Tea, Coffee, Water, etc and lunch which would be bread rolls and salad. MLA are providing the meat, however they require a BBQ and someone to do the cooking. Decided that yes could do the catering and would charge $25 plus GST per person and this would include the hire of the BBQ and a person to cook. Jan Bickerton Moved that the catering be accepted and charged at this rate, Seconded by Doreen Bead CARRIED.

- A email and information was received from Kylie Gray regarding the National Green Jobs Corps project. Kylie was wondering if the committee would like to be involved in the project which provides young job seekers 17- 24 year olds, with the opportunity of work experience, skill development and accredited training. Participants work on projects focused conservation, protection and rejuvenation of Australia’s natural environment and cultural heritage. The project runs for 24 weeks with participants spending an average of 25 hours per week. Margaret Atkinson said that 50 shade tress need planting at the showgrounds in the cooler months, Ros Cooper to let Kylie Gray know and to ask her to contact Margaret.

- An email received from the Show Society informing us that on the 27th of May a Motor Home Club with 38 members will be in town and are going to visit the cottage after morning tea. They ask could someone be at the cottage to escort them around. It has been noted and someone will be available on that day.

- Ros Balston and committee members received a thankyou note from the Garden Club for allowing their visit to the cottage and for Ros’s informative talk on the history of the Cottage and of future hopes and plans.


  1. Outward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper;


- Thankyou notes were sent to Carl & Mary-Ellen Tucker, Carol Cann, Darcy maunder, David Tuppack, Max Rennick, Don Poestschka, Doug Henning, Graham & Jenny Bickerton, John Lazzeris, Ray Brown and Vince & Anne Mullins for donations made or assistance given at the Australia Day Celebrations.

- A Thankyou card was sent to Shauna Coombs for being previous secretary of the Progress and Heritage Association.

- A letter sent to Keith Birchall asking for a written quote to repair the brickwork on the Baker’s oven

- A letter sent to Ray Brown and Councillors regarding the possibility of the purchase of the shop at 29 Dalby St, Jandowae.

- A letter of support was sent for the Jandowae Swimming Pool application for funding to purchase a pool blanket to assist in keeping the pool at a temperature that would prolong the swimming season.

- A letter was sent to Jodie Taylor at the Western Downs Council, to support the application by the Bell Progress Association for a Minor Grant to purchase new banners for each of the towns of the old Wambo District.


Moved by Heather Gall that correspondence be accepted as read; seconded by Margaret Atkinson, CARRIED.


  1. General Business


Margaret Atkinson brought up that the signs advertising the show need changing from 2009 to 2010 and asked who needs to be contacted regarding this. Margaret to ring Ed Hoffman.


Darryl Donald asked about how many Heritage Society Brochures are left and Vince Scouller said 9 bundles. Last time cost approximately $12000 to get printed, does another grant need to be applied for to order more. Vince Scouller suggested a Arts or Tourism Qld grant.


Ros Balston suggested an Athlone Cottage pamphlet be done and it would be good if they could out for the Timbertown festival in June. Cranbrook Press did the other pamphlets.


Vince Scouller said that a thankyou letter should be sent tot Marle & Kevin Gordon for donating the organ and typewriter to the Cottage. He also said that he had been to see the caravan park owners and they seem like very nice people. They have no problem with people looking at the train as long as they don’t climb on it from a insurance point of view.


Vince Scouller would like to move that a ladies mannequin be purchased, Betty Wassell Seconded the proposal CARRIED. A wig will be needed for the mannequin and Betty has a few that could be used.

Darryl Donald brought up the Timbertown Festival. Rose Heintze will talk to Jan and Ros Bickerton, perhaps a smoko at the cottage with raisin toast, tea and coffee. Ros Balston congratulated Darryl on organising all the young people for the Timbertown Committee. 


7. Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Violy Geist, one report attached.


Outstanding Invoices

-         Jandowae 5 Star $354.71

-         Nelson’s Family Meats $22.60 (for cornmeat)

-         Rotary Club $20 (for hire of BBQ)


The total expenses for the MLA Catering came to $397.31, and the money received for it totalled $2120.00.


Moved by Violy Geist that the report be accepted as read and outstanding invoices paid, seconded by Ros Balston CARRIED.


  1. Meeting Closed


      next meeting 12th April 2010

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