Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 12 April  2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present

Darryl Donald, Violy Geist, Vince Scouller, Jan Bickerton, Betty Wassell, Peter Ireland, Chris Cooper & Beryl King


  1. Apologies

Darcy Maunder, Sally Maunder, Ros Cooper, Ros Balston, Ian & Heather Gall, Doreen Beard, Sister Mary Cleary


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 8th March 2010

Presented by Darryl Donald; One change to be made, spelling of Mr Leaghy’s name from Lays to Leahy.

Moved by Jan Bickerton that the minutes be accepted with the one change, Seconded by Betty Wassell, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Jan Bickerton purchase gardening equipment from the volunteer grant consisting of the following items –

-         Wheel Barrow                          - 20m Extension Lead

-         Urns x 2                                   - Branch Lopper

-         7L Sprayer                               - Petrol Hedge Trimmer

-         Blower vac                               - 36L Esky

-         15L Cooler Esky                      - Hand Trolley

-         Shovel


All of these items came to a total of $743.00, purchased from the local Thrifty Link Hardware. All items are currently housed in the shearer’s quarters.


As all of the grant has not been used yet it was suggested that the following items also be purchased –

-         Garden Fork                            - BBQ utensils

-         Water Bag


It was also suggested that an accountable forms register should be made and serial numbers collected from items. Items will also need to be engraved. Ros Cooper to prepare accountable form document and maintain the register.


Ros Balston is still trying to find a suitable female mannequin that meets our desired requirements.


Ros Balston & Heather Gall are still working on the requirements for the layout and presentation of the interpretive signs to be ordered.


It was identified that there is only 3 bundles left of the Heritage Society Brochures in stock (50 to a bundle). Vince Scouller to call printing firm on Wednesday 14th April, to gain a quote and estimated time frame for ordering more brochures.


Moved by Jan Bickerton that the business from the minutes be accepted, Seconded by Vince Scouller, CARRIED.


Inward Correspondence

Presented by Chris Cooper;


- An email was received from Can-notices Collections regarding the most recent Community Heritage Grants available. Grants for up to $15 000 are currently available for Non-profit organisations. These grants may be useful for the Progress and Heritage Association in the preservation of old documents and records that are currently being stored at committee members residences, that have been kindly donated by the public. Chris Cooper to enquire further on the grants. Ros Balston to be approached on her thoughts also on the grants. Applications close 14th May.


- E-mail received by Chris Cooper from Marg Atkinson regarding working dump points in Jandowae for travelling motorists. There is currently a working dump point at the Jandowae Accommodation Park. Another dump point is located at the Showgrounds, as Marg Atkinson’s email identified but it requires signing and possibly some maintenance. Show committee to chase up. It was also raised that there was word that there may be dump point being installed at the Lion’s Park sometime in the future.


Outward Correspondence

Presented by Chris Cooper;


- Thank you letter sent to Kevin and Marle Gordon by for their generous donation to the Progress and Heritage Association.


- Ros Cooper has placed application on behalf of the Jandowae Progress & Heritage Association for the Keep Australia Beautiful campaign. $55 application fee has been made by Treasurer.


- Ros Cooper replied to Kylie Gray of the National Jobs Corps, regarding the proposed planting of 50 shade trees at the Jandowae Showgrounds. It was requested that details for this project be forward to Marg Atkinson.


- Ros Cooper responded to Sarah Due with reference to the proposed MSA day and catering requirements. Original e-mail indicated that suggested cost of $25 + GST\head would be charged for catering on the day. Jan Bickerton has since talked to Sarah and suggested and has reduced the price from $25 + GST to $20 + GST\head.


Moved by Peter Ireland that the Inward and Outward correspondence be accepted, Seconded by Beryl King, CARRIED.


  1. General Business


A quote has been received for the supply and installation of security lighting at the Athlone Cottage precinct by Michael Wood Electrical totalling $938.00. This is for a fully interconnecting system with sensors mounted on all doors and windows within the complex, and when one sensor is activated then lights for the whole precinct turn on. Motion made to get security lighting installed. Moved by Jan Bickerton, Seconded by Betty Wassell, CARRIED.


Jan said that plans for catering the MSA day on the 15th April are well advanced and on target with bread rolls already ordered and Peter Ireland to cook on the BBQ.


Jan has acquired various bits and pieces from the old Country Women’s Association comprising of kitchenware, historic photos of old Memorial Hall, CWA  and Shire memorabilia and records. Jan will hold on to these until it is decided where and how they should be stored.


Vince Scouller also identified that he has all the old chamber of commerce names and details from years gone by. Vince too will hold onto these until it is decided where and how they should be stored.


Vince nominated himself to approach Daph Bradley the owner of the old shop adjacent to the Athlone Cottage to see if she would be interested in selling or donating her old shop to the Association. It is envisaged that this shop is in an ideal location for possibly an extension the Athlone Cottage Precinct and\or possible museum.


It has been suggested that Church service during the Timber Town Festival be moved to the Church and smoko to be held at the Athlone Cottage with Toasted Raison Bread, Tea & Scones on the menu. Dollar coin donation.


Ros Cooper to find out how to get reimbursed by Western Downs Regional Council for the Keeping Australia Beautiful Application.


Moved by Chris Cooper that the General Business be accepted, Seconded by Vince Scouller, CARRIED.


6. Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Violy Geist, one report attached.


Outstanding Invoices

-         Jandowae Hardware $743.00

-         Keeping Australia Beautiful Application Fee $55.00



Moved by Violy Geist that the report be accepted as read and outstanding invoices paid, seconded by Vince Scouller CARRIED.


  1. Meeting Closed  8:30pm


      8.   next meeting 10th May 2010


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