Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 10 May  2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present

Darryl Donald, Ian Gall, Heather Gall, Vince Scouller, Jan Bickerton, Ros Balston, Chris Cooper, Ros Cooper, , Margaret Atkinson, Sister Mary Cleary, Beryl King


  1. Apologies

Violy Geist, Doreen Beard, Betty Wassell, Peter Ireland, Darcy Maunder, Sally Maunder


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 8th March 2010

Presented by Ros Cooper; moved by Vince Scouller that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Beryl King, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Jan ordered fork and step ladder from Hardware, a rake & BBQ tools to be ordered also. Ros Cooper to see if the hardware can order in a canvas waterbag. Jan to see Mark Avent (local police) about the dot equipment for marking all items.


Ros Balston is still looking for another suitable mannequin for the cottage.


Ros Balston & Heather Gall working on layouts and signs for out of town.


Ros Balston suggested that the two signs at the cottage need a touch up. Gary Whitaker did the hanging one and Barbara did the round one.


Vince will see Rod Dolly about repainting the Wambo log.


Vince received a Quote from Cranbrook Press for the Progress and Heritage Brochures, to print 5000 it will cost $799.00, Ros Balston to proofread before been printed. Jan moved that the Brochures get printed after being proofread, Seconded by Ros Cooper CARRIED.


Doug Henning contacted Ros Balston regarding the Brochures, he thinks that Jandowae requires another contemporary brochure to be designed, and he may be able to find some funding for this. Doug has also organised a Tourism bus trip from Millmerran to Warialda for the upcoming weekend, the bus will be coming through Jandowae at 3.30pm on Sunday. Marg Atkinson & Heather Gall said they will open the cottage for them.


Chris Cooper followed up the Community Grants Program. There are two sections that grants could be applied for, will give it a miss this year as the grants close in a week and we will not have enough time, perhaps next year.


A DVD in the Jandowae library shows the early photography group that Vince Scouller was involved in. Ian Gall suggests that we burn a couple of copies of the DVD and sell for $10 at the upcoming Timbertown Festival. Marg Atkinson to burn 20 copies of the DVD, Chris Cooper to print copies of the cover for the DVD.


The catering for the recent MSA day was successful with $420 dollars received.


Vince Scouller talked to Daph Bradley regarding if the old shop would be for sale or given as a donation, Daph said definitely no.


For the Timbertown Festival the church service on Sunday will be held at the Athlone Cottage, Raisin Toast, tea & coffee will be for sale for $3 (one cup tea/coffee and one piece of toast)


5. Inward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper;


-         An invitation from the council regarding input into the 50 year plan, Darryl to fill out and return.

-         An invitation was received from Vicky Warden regarding the Community Engagement Seminar being held at the Jondaryan Woolshed on the 29th May 2010.

-         An invite to participate in the Rotary Club car boot sale on the 30th May

-         A letter from the Garden Club regarding the light up for Christmas competition, they are not able to run it anymore and are extending a invite to other groups to see if they are interested in doing it.


6. Outward Correspondence

None to report



  1. General Business


Ros Balston suggested we get polo shirts with embroidery on them, Ros Cooper to find out more. To have Athlone Cottage and Christian name embroidery on a plain coloured polo, voted on a dark maroon colour. Ros Cooper moved that we get the shirts, Seconded by Heather Gall CARRIED.


Marg Atkinson is going to write to the council regarding getting signs placed that say Jandowae is a RV friendly town, Marg saw them in Tara and thought it was great idea.


8. Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Jan Bickerton, one report attached.

Jan Moved that the report was true and correct as presented, Seconded by Sister Mary CARRIED.


  1. Meeting Closed  9  pm

      10.   next meeting 14th June 2010

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