Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 12 July 2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present: Darryl Donald, Vince Scouller, Ros Balston, Chris Cooper, Peter Ireland, Ian Gall, Beryl King
  2. Apologies Violy Geist, Ros Cooper, Jan Bickerton, Heather Gall, Doreen Beard, Margaret Atkinson, Betty Wassell, Sister Mary Cleary
  3. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 10th May 2010 Presented by Chris Cooper; moved by Vince Scouller that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Beryl King, CARRIED.
  4. Business Arising from Minutes

Ros Balston looking at female mannequin to stand in kitchen at cottage

Ros Balston to ask Gary about touching up Athlone Cottage signs.

Ros Balston and Heather looking at working on signs for out of town regarding the Cottage.

Vince has not had a chance to talk to Rod Dolly about painting of the Wambo log, hopes to do so in the near future.

Doug Hennings brochures – Some suggestions for the brochures were getting some photos from Council, Tourism Qld and Wallaby productions, Darryl to see Doug.

George Sturgess did 15 copies of the Jandowae DVD at $3 each, numerous were sold at Timbertown for $10 each.

  1.  Inward Correspondence Presented by Chris Cooper;

-         Ros Cooper to supply Ed Hoffman with copy of Tidy Towns nomination, check with Jodie Taylor or Julie. RSVP to the awards presentation Ian, Heather, Peter, Jan, Darryl and Grace Ireland to attend

-         Ros Cooper to scan Council Survey and email to everyone

-         Ros Balston has an email from Vicki Warden regarding book

-         Ros Balston spoke to Julie Lane from the council about filling in the form details regarding the updates in the region for museums. Ros Balston replied with information about the cottage, facilities, charge fees. and photos etc.

Peter Ireland moved that the correspondence be accepted, seconded by Vince Scouller CARRIED

  1.  Outward Correspondence Presented by Chris Cooper,

-         A letter of support written to the Golf Club by Darryl Donald on behalf of the Progress and Heritage association for the upgrading of their facilitiess

  1.  General Business

Vince Scouller stated that there is a volunteer grant coming up in September or October, also there is an open garden scheme available now to the value of $3000.

Darryl Donald talked to Amelia Wood about getting polo shirts he thinks about $23 or $27 Ros Cooper to check

Ian Gall was talking to Len (excavator owner/driver) who currently has his machine operating in Ian’s gravel pit. Ian has suggested that we continue the rock wall along the creek as of the close proximity of the machine reducing the transport costs. There is approx $1500 left in the Ergon grant. Motion to perform work at next opportunity moved by Vince Scouller seconded by Peter Ireland CARRIED

Peter Ireland mentioned that the fresh water tank is empty on the shearer’s quarters as the gutters are clogged with pine needles and the water pipe coming from the windmill is also clogged and needs cleaning.

Peter proposed the idea of keeping the brick wall from the bakers oven with stove door still in place for memorabilia even if it will never be operable, or otherwise place stove door in wall for memorabilia.

Ros Balston would like to get some cork boards to place photos etc on in the cottage and shearers shed. Ros to look at buying moved by Peter Ireland seconded by Ian Gall CARRIED

Ros Balston has a bunya pine in a pot and suggested that it be put near the Wambo Log.

Peter Ireland said if we want another stool Ian Russell suggested we just get the Rotary stool from down along the creek. Peter suggested making a stool out of the old slabs on viewing platform.

Ian Gall raised concerns about cigarette butts coming out of the drain into the creek, suggested that we put cigarette butt receptacles outside the three pubs (approach council to provide bins and signs) Sign saying that all rubbish ends up in creek. Ros Balston also suggested that more signs are needed at Lions Park for rubbish. Ros Balston moved Seconded by Ian Gall CARRIED

  1.  Treasurer’s Report Presented by Ros Balston, prepared by Violy Geist, one report attached.

Ros Balston Moved that the report was true and correct as presented, Seconded by Chris Cooper CARRIED.

  1. Meeting Closed
  1. Next Meeting 9th August 2010
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