Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 12 July 2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre

1.      Present: Chris Cooper, Jan Bickerton, Violy Giest, Mary Atkinson, Peter Ireland, Vince Scouller & Ros Balston.

2.      Apologies Ros Cooper, Ian & Heather Gall, Doreen Beard, Betty Wassell, Sister Mary Cleary, Beryl King & Darryl Donald

3.      Minutes of Previous Meeting held 12th July 2010 Presented by Chris Cooper; Jan Bickerton that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Vince Scouller, CARRIED.

4.      Business Arising from Minutes

Ø   Ros Balston has not had a chance to have a look at a female mannequin for the cottage kitchen yet but hopes to do so before the next meeting.

Ø   Ros Balston hopes to get a quote from Gary regarding touching up the Athlone Cottage signs.

Ø   Ros Balston and Heather have not had a chance yet to get together regarding the proposed new signs for entry into town. The signs will be to display the cottage and its attractions.

Ø   Vince has not had a chance to talk to Rod Dolly about painting of the Wambo log, hopes to do so in the near future.

Ø   Doug Hennings brochures – Some suggestions for the brochures were getting some photos from Council, Tourism Qld and Wallaby productions, Darryl to see Doug.

Ø   Peter & Grace Ireland attended the 2010 Ergon Energy Tidy Towns Regional Awards presentation in Toowoomba on behalf of the Progress & Heritage Association, receiving the Environmental Protection Award.

Ø   It has been decided that we may be too late to apply for the volunteer grant coming up in September and it was decided that we shall not apply for this grant.

Ø   Ros Cooper has not had a chance to write a letter to council yet requesting the possible placement of cigarette butt receptacles being placed around town, particularly outside the pubs.

5.       Inward Correspondence Presented by Chris Cooper;

Ø   Ros Balston received and E-mail from Armi Signs referring to our enquiry on the Interpretive Signs on the viewing platform. Ros informed Armi that we are still interested in doing the signs in the near future. Armi confirmed that the quote on the original price will remain the same.

Ø   Ros Cooper on behalf of the Progress & Heritage Association received an invitation to a senior’s trivia day on the 20 August, 2010 starting at 1:30pm at the Jandowae Community Centre. Invitation is open to all who wish to attend. Jan Bickerton has suggested that she hopes to gather a team and attend.

Ø   Peter Ireland moved that the correspondence be accepted, seconded by Vince Scouller CARRIED

6.       Outward Correspondence Presented by Chris Cooper,

Ø   Ros Cooper e-mailed Jodie Taylor at Western Downs regional Council regarding reimbursement of Tidy Towns Nomination.

Ø   Ros Cooper e-mailed creative embroidery regarding the quote for the polo shirts.

Ø   A letter of support written to the Golf Club by Darryl Donald on behalf of the Progress and Heritage association for the upgrading of their facilities

7.      General Business

Ø   Peter Ireland has cleaned the gutters at the cottage and & filled the rainwater tank on the shearing quarters.

Ø   Regarding corkboards, Ros Balston has some frames at home to make her own corkboards. Jan Bickerton offered her brothers services to make the corkboards for Ros.

Ø   Jan Bickerton telephoned Rob Brazier regarding the morning tea that the Progress association would be catering for and he mentioned that it would be cancelled and put off until October.

Ø   As Ian Gall was not present at this meeting it is unsure when Len the excavator driver will be able to complete the rock wall along the creek. In the meantime Violy will work out how much of the Ergon Energy Grant     we have left to put towards the remaining work needed.

Ø   We only have one copy of the Jandowae DVD left in stock. Vince Scouller to talk to George Sturgess and see if he can do another 10 copies for the Progress & Heritage Association.

Ø   Regarding corkboards, Ros Balston has some frames at home to make her own corkboards. Jan Bickerton offered her brothers services to make the corkboards for Ros.

Ø   The Bunya Pine supplied by Ros Balston is still to be planted yet when willing hands are available. 

Ø   Nobody has had a chance to pick up Rotary’s garden bench down along the creek yet. Chris and/or Peter hope to find a couple of hands to move it up to the cottage before the next meeting. 

Ø   Ros Balston has dropped some of our news brochures into the Dalby Information centre for distribution.

8.      Treasurer’s Report  Presented by Jan Bickerton, prepared by Violy Geist, one report attached.

Ø   Violy Giest, Moved that the report was true and correct as presented, Seconded by Chris Cooper CARRIED.

9.      Meeting Closed Next Meeting 13th September 2010

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