Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 13 September 2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre

  1. Present

Darryl Donald, Jan Bickerton, Ian & Heather Gall, Betty Wassell, Peter Ireland, Vince Scouller, Beryl King, Chris Cooper, Ros Cooper

  1. Apologies

Ros Balston, Violy Giest, Doreen Beard, Sister Mary Cleary, Margaret Atkinson

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 12th July 2010

Presented by Ros Cooper; moved by Jan Bickerton that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Peter Ireland, CARRIED.

  1. Business Arising from Minutes

Ros Cooper has emailed Fastlane in Toowoomba for a quote for the polo shirts, has not received the quote yet. Jan said Doreen had mentioned that a group in Chinchilla does polo shirts for $16, to find out more about this.

Vince saw Rod Dolly regarding the painting of the Wambo log, Rod will lend us a pail to brush on the log – a working bee to be organised.

The council replied to the letter requesting the placement of cigarette butt receptacles outside the pubs. Council stated that they have written to the licensed premises requesting that they clean up any cigarette litter and it is hoped that this will have a positive impact on the issue. They thanked us for our suggestion and will continue to monitor the situation.

The Bunya Pine has been planted at Athlone Cottage.

Jan’s brother made frames and inserts to go in the frames at no cost, these are for the corkboards. Black and white pictures are to go in these frames.

Chris & Ros Cooper moved the rotary club chair from the lion’s park to the cottage.

More copies of the Jandowae DVD have been placed at the cottage.

  1.  Inward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper;

- Insurance invoice from Insurance Advisernet

- A respons from the council regarding our request for cigarette butt receptacles.

  1.  Outward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper,

-         A letter sent to the council requesting the placement of cigarette butt receptacles outside the local pubs to prevent litter

-         Ros Cooper has emailed Fastlane in Toowoomba for a quote for the polo shirts, has not received the quote yet.

Ros Cooper moved that the correspondence be accepted, seconded by Beryl King CARRIED

  1.  General Business

Regarding the Identifying kit, Heather is to see Ann McNamara for more information.

Chris Cooper to ring the insurance company and clarify some points. Beryl King moved that once this done the insurance is payed and an application made to the council (Attn Paul Smith) for reimbursement. Ros Cooper Seconded CARRIED


Genny Bailie told Jan that Barry from the caravan park is interested in getting the old bakers oven at the cottage going. Vince to show Barry the restoration report on the oven.


Gary Carter from Kumbia has made a wooden cow for the cottage. Ros Cooper to send a thankyou letter to Gary for making and donating the cow.


16 Taralga residents had a BBQ at the shearer’s quarters on Wednesday the 8th of September and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.


Pearl Howden is going to make a doll for the cot at the cottage.


Ian is going to donate some Allie and Roundup so that the weeds can be sprayed around the cottage area.


Ros Cooper to see Jess Flynn about advertising the AGM on the 11th of October in the Jandowae Magazine.


Peter and Jan will be away for the AGM.


There are no keys for the cream shed and dairy on the volunteers set of keys, Peter to get some cut.


One of the spotlights at the cottage is not working Ros Cooper to see Michael Wood about getting it fixed.


Darryl brought up the local Jandowae business group and suggested that Amelia Wood be added to the second account as a signatory, Ros Cooper moved, Peter Ireland Seconded CARRIED


Darryl suggested that for the Shire Awards we think of people from the district to be nominated suggested Sister Mary Cleary, Heather to think about.


Peter looked at old the Marnhull Railway Siding at Graham Nelson’s, Darryl to talk to Graham Nelson about the possibility of donating it.


  1.  Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Jan Bickerton, prepared by Violy Geist, one report attached.

The Treasurer’s Report needs to be itemised so that we know what money has been allocated and/or remaining from each grant and what money has been separately raised by the committee.

Heather Gall, moved that the report was true and correct as presented, Seconded by Chris Cooper CARRIED.

  1. Meeting Closed

Next Meeting to be held is the Annual General Meeting at 7:30 pm on the 11th October, 2010

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