The Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Vicky moved and Margaret seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried
Correspondence:Inwards: Elspeth Hocking (Cobb & Co Museum), WDRC (monthly attendance), WDRC ( Aus Day), Thank You Campervan Club. Outwards: — Elspeth Hocking, WDRC
Heather moved and Margaret seconded that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards endorsed. Carried
Treasurer's Report: Cr. Balance $4138.38. Income: — Aus. Day $230.80 donations, Drinks $60, Donations $27, WDRC $800 Expenditure: Cleaning & Catering $56.69, Spar $65.48, Nelsons Butchery $254.07 Cr. Balance $4704.18. ( Cheque for $329.90 for Peter Ireland was passed for payment for sprinklers.)
Margaret presented her report of Income and Expenditure. Seconded Geoff. Carried
General Business:
Australia Day Breakfast: The Breakfast went well and a special thanks is to be put on facebook as we greatly appreciated the Fish Hooks Rugby League Club contribution to the BBQ and the setting up.
Darren Ehrlich has looked at the windmill and will attend to it in the near future.
The Wambo Wind Farm grants are once again open and Heather is to forward this information to Elspeth Hocking re. securing a grant to complete our Pioneer Room in the Shearer's Quarters. We would like to have an approximate charge from Qld Museum Cobb & Co to facilitate this display.
Caravan Club from Brisbane visited the precinct and 3 cars visited "Cresley" farm the following day to inspect the sorghum harvest but owing to rain they inspected the machinery, the sheds and the silos.
There is a display of local produce in the Cultural Centre thanks to the efforts of Maree Taylor.
Vicky suggested we put a small display in the Show. The TV will be set up to run the History of Jandowae and District.
Peter has provided the names of the contacts for opening the precinct to Lillian and the Cultural Centre.
Grace will acquire a photo in memory of Diane Wood to be hung near the Jandowae East Display.
Peter has automatic sprinklers to erect near the garden out the front.
Next meeting: Date to be advised, possibly the second Saturday in May at 9.00 am.