The Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather. Margaret moved and Peter seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried
Treasurer's Report: Cr. Balance $4138.38. Income — $150 donation from Jandowae Garden Club, $100 donation Restored Vehicle Club, $25 Memberships
Expenditure: Nil
Margaret presented her report of Income and Expenditure. Seconded Grace. Carried
Correspondence:Inwards: Elspeth Hocking (Cobb & Co Museum), WDRC (monthly attendance).
Outwards: Elspeth Hocking, WDRC, Thank you to Memorial Hall Committee for donation.
Heather moved and Margaret seconded that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards endorsed. Carried
General Business:
Australia Day Breakfast: Michael Wood will arrange with the Junior Rugby League for the cooking of the bbq and for the loan of the quick shades.
Heather to place our order with Clint. 10 dozen sausages, 6 loaves bread, 9 dozen eggs. Spar — 4 litres milk, tomato & barbeque sauce, tea and coffee.
Cleaning and Catering — 30 cups on hand (Vicky has some to donate), serviettes, 100 small plates, 100 knives.
Signs — Peter to erect the big sign outside the precinct and signs at the Butcher shop and the Chemist. Sally is right for the drinks. Margaret to collect the gold coin donations.
Heather to ring the Council re. who is hosting the official celebration and what money would be available for us in hosting the Breakfast for Jandowae.
Peter will check with Wayne about whipper snipping where needed.
Acknowledgement of the traditional ownership of the land on which our precinct stands would be made.
Cleaning to take place at 8.30am on Saturday 25th.
Celeste is to be asked to suggest someone who would held organise the games for the children.
Ian to provide a second gas cylinder for the barbeque.
Pioneer & Industry Room: All agreed that our meeting with Elspeth and Amy was very beneficial and we are looking forward to working with them on this visual presentation for which we hope to arrange the necessary funding.
Our Facebook website needs to be updated. Phone numbers for Ian, Peter and Geoff to be made available for people interested in viewing our precinct.