Minutes Of Meeting Held On 10/02/2018
By Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Peter welcomed all present to the meeting and thanked the members for their attendance.

Present: Peter Ireland, Ian & Heather Gall, Beryl King, Margaret Atkinson

Apologies: Jan, Ros, Doreen, Sally, Beryl McK, Evelyn

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Ian Gall moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded Beryl. Passed

Business Arising:

Correspondence: Inwards — WDRC thank you email for successful hosting of Australia Day Breakfast and Awards Ceremony Outwards — Tax Invoice for $330 to WDRC. Thank you notes to be sent to Robbie (music), Tanya (cleaning), Louise (model's hairdo). Heather moved that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Peter Ireland. Passed

Treasurer's Report: Cr Balance $4,875.47. Income — Donations $146.80, Drinks $111, BBQ $436.30. Expenditure: Spar $65.21(Oz Day), Jan (Oz Day) $93.35. The Fixed Deposit is $10,757.07. The following accounts were passed for payment: Peter $246.79 (lock and irrigation), Dalby Home Hardware (2 tables) $116 . Margaret moved the report for adoption, seconded Beryl. Passed

General Business:

Next Meeting: Saturday 14th April at 9 am