Minutes Of Meeting Held On 10/9/2015
By Jandowae
And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.
Peter welcomed all present to the meeting thanked the members for their attendance.
Present: Peter Ireland, Heather Gall,, Jan Bickerton, Margaret Atkinson, Evelyn Nauschutz, Beryl McKenna, Betty Wassell
Apologies: Ros Balston, Sally Maunder, Beryl King, Doreen Beard.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous general meeting were read by Heather.Jan moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded Margaret.
Business Arising: Nathan has finished the sign which is to be hung on the front of the old school. There will not be a charge for the sign.
Correspondence: Heather moved that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Beryl.
Inwards — Lennie Veivers, Cranbrook Press, Western Downs Council.
Outwards — letter to Western Downs Magazine
Treasurer's Report: The Cr. Balance is $8,209.14
Income — GST Reimbrusement $4,073.
Fixed Deposit $10163.39.
Margaret moved this report for adoption, Seconded Betty.
Jan is to be reimbursed $14.50 for the tree and for the framing for the cross stich which was presented to Tony & Ros.
General Business:
- The meeting declined the offer of the old laundry trolley as we don't have anywhere to put it.
- Ross Gersekowski offered to make a long stool. Ian is to check if he has one available. Ross also has gas lights which he has offered to us
- The pressure pump is being fixed and the dirt has been shifted.
- 2 new locks are to be purchased for the back room.
- Margaret has supplied the photo of Queen Victoria.
- Graham Bickerton will make the bookshelves for the school.
- Mick Donald has been contacted re. the rubbish under the school.
- The flagpole is to be shifted to the front of the school.
- Peter will have a yarn to Anthony Schrag about the feasibility of shifting the toilet.
- The storm water drain needs attention.
- One heritage precinct sign is to be erected on the northern side of the bridge.
- Peter would like to purchase security cameras as a deterrent to vandalism.
- The magistrates chair is now in the old school and the defendant's dock at the hall. The third piece is at Maccas and Allison is to be asked if we can have it.
- The chairs are to be kept in the back room of the school.
- Susie Palmer's sign will be attached to the side of the Shearer's Quarters.
- Ink wells and slates are needed. Betty may be able to obtain a black board from the Tennis Club.
- Jan brought along various donations - boomerangs, an aboriginal axe and an ink well and numerous books.
Next Meeting: The annual meeting will be held on Monday 28th September at the Cultural Centre at 7pm.