Minutes Of Meeting Held On 11/8/2015
By Jandowae
And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.
Peter welcomed all present to the meeting thanked the members for their attendance.
Present: : Peter Ireland, Heather Gall,, Jan Bickerton, Margaret Atkinson, Beryl King, Doreen Beard.
Apologies: Evelyn Nauschutz, Beryl McKenna, Ros Balston, Ian Gall .
Minutes: The minutes of the previous general meeting were read by Heather. Margaret moved that the minutes be accepted as read. Seconded Doreen.
Business Arising:
- Desks have arrived from Donna Tanner. Desks are to come from Ros.
- The power point has been installed in the school.
- There has been no news of the missing Magistrate's chair.
- The painter will return at a later date to attend to the Cottage where needed.
- Rick is working with the Council will regard to the money on offer.
- The sign for the cottage has arrived and will be erected in the near future.
- The rubbish under the cottage is still to be removed.
- '3 Rules for Teachers' are to be framed.
- Nathan Weldon will prepare the sign to be erected in front of the school — "Jandowae State School 1899".
- Lennie is to be asked for the quote for the ramp and also for our Tax Invoices.
- The Magazine charged $100 for the article Peter submitted. Margaret is to write a letter stating that this seems an excessive amount for local heritage news.
- Margaret will also put up flyers to advertise the farewell for Tony and Ros. Those attending are asked to bring a cup and a plate for Morning Tea which will commence at 9.30am on Saturday, 22nd August. Members are to be there by 9am. There will be 2 serving points for tea and coffee and a gold coin donation box will be used.
Correspondence: Heather moved that the inwards correspondence be received and the outwards endorsed. Seconded Beryl.
Inwards — Office of Fair Trading, Thank you to the Council for In Kind Assistance grant
Outwards — None
Treasurer's Report: The Cr. Balance is $15834.14
Income — $105 for catering
Fixed Deposit $10,163.39.
Margaret moved this report for adoption, seconded by Jan.
General Business:
- Jan moved and Margaret seconded that a charge of $10 a head be made in the future when we cater for Morning Tea for charter groups.
- Kay Seigmeir is to be thanked for her desk. Peter has asked the Chinchilla Museum if they have any spare school desks.
- We are to apply to the Gambling Community Fund for the ramp and we need to inform them that the painting has been completed.
- Peter will buy serviettes and paper plates. One hose has been stolen and reported to police.
- A working bee to clean the windows in the school was held after the meeting.