MINUTES of meeting held on Monday 11th January 2010

At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.

1. Present— Darryl Donald, Violy Geist, Ian Gall, Heather Gall, Vince Scouller, Doreen Beard, Darcy Maunder, Sally Maunder, Jan Bickerton, Ros Balston, Betty Wassell, Peter Ireland, Beryl King, Chris Cooper, Ros Cooper


2. APOLOGIES— Marg Atkinson, Sister Mary Cleary


3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING held 16th November 2009
3.1. Presented by Darryl Donald; moved by Darcy Maunder that the minutes be accepted as read.  Seconded by Heather Gall, CARRIED





Presented by Ros Balston;

-         A letter from the council re: Application for Reimbursement for Public Liability Insurance, stating that it has been approved for maximum benefit of $727.31 (excluding GST).

-         A letter form the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal, stating the application for the $8,000.00 grant was not approved.

-         A Remittance Advice from Department of Families Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FHCS&IA), for grant of $3,530.00 for gardening and small equipment.

-         A letter from Council re; grant of $3000.00  towards the cost of interpretive panels has been approved.

-         A letter from Rotary Club asking for our support in the way of a nacho stand at the Rotary fete on Friday February 5th 2010. Moved by Jan Bickerton that we accept, seconded by Betty Wassell, CARRIED.

-         An invoice received from Jandowae Hardware for $96.10 for sprinklers and padlocks.

-         A letter from Dalby Country Antiques, est. monetary value of stolen items, is mainly heritage value, copy of letter to be sent to Paul Smith. 

-         A Christmas Card received from Qld Audit Services.

-         A thankyou card, wedding photo & $20 donation received from Jim & Judith Baskerville for use of the Cottage for their wedding.



Presented by Ros Balston.

-         A letter sent to Mayor Ray Brown, inviting him to attend the Australia Day Celebrations as speaker – a verbal response of yes has been received.

-         A letter sent to Darren  from Dalby Insurance Brokers expressing thanks for $75 donation

-         Letter sent to Phil Berting (C.E.O Western Downs Council) re; wording for plaques for Shears Quarters and the Cream Dairy – has been approved.

-         Letter sent to Mark Bassingthwaight thanking him for loam.

-         Letter addressed to whom it may concern ? re; the installation of exhaust break signs on the main roads into town.

-         Letter to David Coleman and Tom Kelly thanking them for donation of timber used to repair the shearers quarters.


Moved by Jan Bickerton that report be accepted as read; seconded by Peter Island, CARRIED.


7. General Business

Ros Balston has heard back and we have received two out of the three grants applied for. One is for the interpretive signing on the viewing platform, and the other is the Volunteer Small Equipment Grant, a Gazebo can be ordered and will be delivered in the next 10 days. Ros Balston moved a motion to buy Gazebo and pass invoice for payment, seconded Ian Gall, CARRIED.


Signage grants – sub committee meeting/working B to be held. A quote has been given by a company, all they need is the pictures and text and they design the signs, $2,500 to be added from committee. Five or Six signs to be mounted around the back and side of the viewing platform, in the shade, explaining the heritage of the cottage, creaming machine, windmill, bird species etc. Perhaps further down the track a seat as well.


The Wambo log needs oiling/painting again.


Security around the cottage – Police suggested security lights placed where they won’t come on all the time as this will be ineffective. Suggested that three security light be installed one at front of cottage one at back and one at shearers quarters, motion by Vince that electrician Michael Wood be approached to install them, seconded by Sally CARRIED. Vince to show Michael where the lights are to go. Bars on windows, installation of deadlocks on doors and a buzzer on the front door discussed and decided against. Vince has tightened the lock on the front door and there are padlocks and chains on bin and dairy. If working down the back, lock the door and write on the blackboard that if anyone wants to have a look they can come and see us. Jan to contact all the volunteers to let them know.


Australia Day Awards – commencing with a breakfast at 7am at cottage. Ambassador to give speech and be back in Dalby by 10am. Open to anybody who wants to come. Darryl to ring Donna regarding the program. Advertising for the day to go out this week, Ros Balston to do flyers, ABC radio to be notified, Jenny at school to be contacted to organise sign at school. Dalby Herald rang Darryl and wants to know what is happening. Breakfast will include eggs, sausages and bacon, Tony and Ian to cook. Two BBQ’s required, Ian will bring one. Council to pay. Peter propose we tell council how much per/person and use tickets, people don’t get served unless they have a ticket. Gold coin donation. Arthur can supply 3dzn cans lemonade, solo & patio at 60c per can, 24 waters. Jan to order and ask to be kept cool, pick up Monday arvo. Sally and Betty looking after eskies $2 a can. Jan has seen the captains Brodie Wood and Jess McNamara about raising the flag. 7-9:30 council, 9:30 onwards for kids. There will be damper, egg & spoon races and fishing comp, to be put on flyers that children are to be supervised. Rob Brazier contacted Jan and asked if he could sing Australia Songs, decided yes he could after 10am. Cyrill Reimers will do whip cracking, there will be sheep shearing and butter making. Borrowing chairs & shade from Rotary, Jan to contact.


On the upcoming Saturday Darcy, Vince & Chris will do a 3 panel slip-rail fence from the Corner of the shearer’s quarters towards the creek. Council to be approached about borrowing a boat to spray the weeds in the creek. Darryl to arrange for council to take limbs off Athol Pine.


Mannequin’s – one has already been approved Ros Balston moved a motion to buy another at $230.00 plus postage, seconded by Ian, CARRIED.


Garden club is coming to the cottage on the 23rd of February they would like someone to give a talk on its heritage – Ros Balston and Jan to do.


8. Treasures Report

Presented by Violy Geist, two reports attached one for November 2009 one for January 2010.


Outstanding $2,343.00 to order shade,  $85 for Ushers Bobcat and  $96.10 for Jandowae Hardware.


For the Business Giveaway and Light up a tree, they have a different column in the books but Violy moved that a second account be opened for this money, seconded by Ros Balstorn CARRIED. The second account will have the same signatories as the general account.


9. Meeting Closed 9. 30 PM

The next meeting will be held Monday 8th February, 2010 7. 30 pm at the Community Centre.

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