Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 11 April 2011, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present

Jan Bickerton, Darryl Donald, Marg Atkinson, Heather Gall, Ian Gall, Beryl King, Chris Cooper, Ros Cooper


  1. Apologies

Violy Geist, Betty Wassell, Peter Ireland, Ros Balston Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder, Darcy Maunder,


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 14th March 2011

Presented by Ros Cooper; moved by Jan Bickerton that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Beryl King, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Ian Usher has dumped some gravel in the creek, however he still has more loads to do, while he was at the creek he pulled the dead palm tree out.


Barry is still keen to do the repairs on the Baker’s oven however he works in Toowoomba throughout the week and is only available on weekends.


Chris is waiting on a special to come up to purchase the chairs.


Chris is still going to fix the window at the shearers quarters.


For the meat tray that Graham Nelson is donating we will do a raffle for Father’s Day


  1.  Inward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper

-         An invitation from the Church to attend Sister Mary’s Farewell which is being held on the 1st May at 11am


  1.  Outward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper

-         Registration for the Jimbour Opera was sent in


Ian Gall moved that the correspondence be accepted, seconded by Chris Cooper CARRIED


  1. General Business


Ben Davison has purchased Ross Maben’s place and there are a couple of old shed’s on it that may be good to have a look at for storage. Jan asked Ben about donating them and he said he thinks they could come to some arrangement. Jan will get Peter to go with her to have a look at them to see what condition they are in.

There is a dead tree near the waterfall, Chris will go down and cut it off.


Jan would like to re-stain the hut, it has not been done since it was moved there. Jan moved that she order the stain, Ros Cooper seconded CARRIED. A working bee will be organised for when the staining can be done, a date will be decided on at the next meeting.


Bruce Thomas has a one way plough that he is happy to donate. 


  1.  Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Chris Cooper see attached report.


Moved by Chris Cooper that the report be accepted as read and that when the term deposit matures $1500 be added from the first account and re-invested at the best rate, seconded by Heather Gall CARRIED


Darryl has been talking to Fiona Henderson from the council regarding their donation for the Australia Day Celebrations, she said they would give us $250, we have still not received this so Darryl will follow this up with Fiona.


  1. Meeting Closed


Next Meeting to be held is at 7:30 pm on the 9th May, 2011

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