Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 14 March 2011, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


Jan Bickerton chaired the meeting in Darryl’s absence

  1. Present

Jan Bickerton, Ros Balston, Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder, Beryl King, Chris Cooper, Ros Cooper


  1. Apologies

Darryl Donald, Violy Geist, Marg Atkinson, Ian Gall, Betty Wassell, Darcy Maunder, Heather Gall, Peter Ireland


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 14th February 2011

Presented by Ros Cooper; moved by Doreen Beard that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Chris Cooper, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Ian Usher still to dump gravel in the whole in the creek, Chris to give him a reminder.


Sally picked up the shirts from the Busy Bee in Chinchilla, they look great, thankyou for organising them Sally.  


Stonestreets from Toowoomba did not come to look at the cottage on the 1st of March they are now coming on the 1st of June.


The Christmas and volunteer party BBQ held on the 27th of February at the cottage went well.


Barry is still to be seen regarding obtaining an estimate of exactly how much he thinks it will cost to restore the Baker’s Oven.


Darryl spoke to Graham Nelson about the Marnhull Railway Siding, Graham is not keen on parting with it.


Chris is waiting on a special to come up to purchase the chairs.


  1.  Inward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper

-         A thankyou letter from Sister Mary Cleary for her Australia Day award and farewell gifts that she received from the committee

-         Reimbursement from the council for the insurance of $812.00

-         A letter from the Museum Resource Centre asking for flood memorabilia and stories 

-         The minutes from the AGM of the Keep Australia Beautiful Committee


  1.  Outward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper

-         Thankyou letters for involvement in the Australia Day Celebrations were sent to David Tuppack, Colleen Wunsch, Neville Schumann, Paul Ambrose, Morrissey & Co, The Rotary Club, Rob Brazier and the Jandowae State School.

Ros Balston moved that the correspondence be accepted, seconded by Beryl King CARRIED


  1. General Business


LR & JA Drescher are due back in the district Chris Cooper to see Ian Gall about when they will be here.


Darryl is bringing hay in for Jan & Beryl to put in the Garden at the cottage.


The security lights at the cottage need looking at again.


Ros Balston said the window in the Shearer’s quarter’s bathroom needs to be secured, Chris to have a look at.


The palm tree in the creek looks to be dead, Chris to see Ian Usher about removing it when he dumps the gravel.


Graham Nelson has offered a meat tray to raffle, Jan to see him about this.


  1.  Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Chris Cooper see attached report.


Moved by Chris Cooper that the report be accepted as read, seconded by Sally Maunder CARRIED


  1. Meeting Closed


Next Meeting to be held is at 7:30 pm on the 11th April, 2011

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