Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 14 February 2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present

Darryl Donald, , Ian Gall, Betty Wassell, Ros Cooper, Chris Cooper, Jan Bickerton, Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder, Darcy Maunder, Beryl King, Sister Mary Cleary, Heather Gall, Peter Ireland


  1. Apologies

Ros Balston, Violy Geist, Marg Atkinson


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 10th January 2010

Presented by Ros Cooper; moved by Darcy Maunder that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Beryl King, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Ian Usher still to dump gravel in the whole in the creek, Chris to give him a reminder.


The shirts from the Busy Bee are in Chinchilla, just waiting for things to settle down after the floods, Sally to call about picking them up when available.


The nacho stand at the Rotary Fete which was held on the 12th of February was successful with 53 Nachos sold bringing in $371.


Stonestreets from Toowoomba are coming to look at the cottage on the 1st of March.


The Australia Day celebrations held at the cottage was very successful and well attended. Councillor Mick Cosgrove was unable to attend due to his commitments at the Bell ceremony. Sister Mary expressed her sincere thanks for receiving her award. Thankyou letters are to be sent out to everyone who contributed to the day.


The Christmas and volunteer party is to be held on the 27th of February at 5.30pm at the cottage. It is BYO meat, drinks and cutlery, Ros Balston is doing a potato bake, Heather will do a wombok salad, Sally will do a sweet, Betty will bring custard and Beryl will bring some savouries.


Darryl will organise for the German wagon to be carted to the cottage.


We will get an estimate from Barry of exactly how much he thinks it will cost to restore the Baker’s Oven.


Darren Ehrlich has fixed the pump at the cottage.


  1.  Inward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper

-         An invite from the Cultural Heritage Network for their 2011 Seminar which is been held on Saturday the 28th of May at Rudd’s Pub, Nobby

-         An invite to the Kuppa & Kake 4 Kids on Saturday the 5th of March at the Memorial Hall, it is a all day morning tea to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation.

-         A Letter from the Council approving our reimbursement for insurance a cheque will be sent for $812.00.


  1.  Outward Correspondence

No outward Correspondence


Peter Ireland moved that the correspondence be accepted, seconded by Ian Gall CARRIED


  1. General Business


LR & JA Drescher are due back in the district and it is agreed that we will get them to do more work on the creek, we still have $2792.00 of the Powerlink Grant to use.


Jan would like to see more chairs purchased, KMART have them on sale at the moment, should also check prices at Johnson’s Hardware in Dalby. Moved by Sister Mary that Chris purchase 20 chairs, seconded by Heather Gall CARRIED


The Powerlink Plaque we received is to be mounted on a rock at the cottage.


It was discussed that a memorial be placed for Vince Scouller at the cottage and a ceremony held at the next Australia Day Celebrations. Sister Mary moved that Betty will approach Noel Crowler about making a timber plaque for Vince, seconded by Doreen Beard CARRIED


Darcy suggested that railings be placed to make a walkway through the cottage to prevent people from entering rooms or touching things unnecessarily and hopefully this may prevent some thefts. Little gates can be made so that volunteers can still have access as required. Darcy is willing to cut the palings and Peter Ireland moved that this would be a good idea, seconded by Ian Gall CARRIED


Ian from the Police would like a letter to state who owns the cottage, he needs it for the court proceedings against the people that were caught for stealing, Darryl to contact Ian regarding this.


  1.  Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Chris Cooper see attached report.


Moved by Chris Cooper that the report be accepted as read, seconded by Betty Wassell CARRIED


  1. Meeting Closed


Next Meeting to be held is at 7:30 pm on the 14th March, 2011

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