Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 10 January 2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present

Darryl Donald, , Ian Gall, Ros Balston, Betty Wassell, Ros Cooper, Chris Cooper, , Jan Bickerton, Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder, Darcy Maunder, Beryl King


  1. Apologies

Sister Mary Cleary, Heather Gall, Violy Geist, Peter Ireland, Marg Atkinson


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 8th November 2010

Presented by Ros Balston; moved by Betty Wassell that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Beryl King, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Ian Usher will dump gravel in the whole in the creek when it dries up and he can access it. From the rain a Pine tree fell in the creek and a Palm has fallen over to.


Sally Maunder ordered the shirts from the Busy Bee and they are in Chinchilla ready to be picked up, they cost $22.


We have accepted the offer to do a stand at the Jimbour Opera this year.


It is decided that we will also do a nacho stand at the Rotary Fete which is held in mid February.


Stonestreets from Toowoomba that where to be visiting in February are now coming in March.


  1.  Inward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper

-         A thankyou letter received from Taralga Retirement Village for the BBQ lunch held on the 8th of September


  1.  Outward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper,

-         An invite was sent to Mayor Ray Brown and Councillors for our Australia Day Celebrations


Jan Bickerton moved that the correspondence be accepted, seconded by Ros Balston CARRIED


  1.  General Business


For the Australia Day celebrations, will aim to have a breakfast at the cottage and if it rains will move it to the Memorial Hall, Darryl to organise the hall for backup. For the breakfast will order the following; 300 sausages, 6 dozen eggs, 6 loaves of bread, 2 dozen cans of all drinks (water, pasito, lemonade and coke) Betty and Sally will look after the drinks . Ian Gall will bring his BBQ and BBQ tools and Chris, Peter and Tony will help him with the barbequing. Grace Ireland will make butter and Jan will call the Ambrose’s about getting a bucket of milk for this. Darcy will also be making a damper. For shade will use the committee’s two, one from Rotary, one from Morrissey’s and one from Chris. Darcy will bring two long tables down. Rob Brazier and his group are happy to do the singing, we will need to get the audio equipment from the council. David Tuppack will conduct a fishing competition. Darryl to contact Mick Cosgrove to see if he will be available to conduct the official ceremony. Jan saw Rowan Ellis the school captain about the flag rising and he is happy to do it. Ros Balston will organise the signs for the day and will contact the ABC, Dalby Herald and The Chronicle about advertising. It is decided that will give our own annual Australia Day/Community awards. Ros Balston suggested that we call it the “Jandowae Special Person” award and that the criteria for this award be Service to others, Contribution and Involvement to Rural Communities, Contribution to families and Outstanding personal achievement. Sally Maunder moved that Sister Mary Cleary be awarded it this year, seconded by Ros Balston CARRIED. Darryl to present the award (a certificate in a nice frame) at the Breakfast. Next year will also consider presenting a “Young Person Achievement” award or business award, this is considered important to encourage young business people in the community.


Reimbursement from the council for our insurance is still coming Ros Cooper has been talking to Paul Smith regarding this. 


The Christmas Party has been postponed due to the rain until later in the year.


The German wagon needs to go undercover, can possibly place it next to the Baker’s oven and if a roof is made this we can extend it to cover the wagon as well.


The bore’s not pumping, Darryl to see Darren Ehrlich regarding getting it fixed.


  1.  Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Chris Cooper see attached report.


Moved by Chris Cooper that the report be accepted as read, seconded by Ian Gall CARRIED


  1. Meeting Closed


Next Meeting to be held is at 7:30 pm on the 14th February, 2010

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