Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 08 November 2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present

Darryl Donald, Violy Geist, Ian Gall, Ros Balston, Betty Wassell, Ros Cooper, Chris Cooper, Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Doreen Beard, Sally Maunder, Marg Atkinson


  1. Apologies

Sister Mary Cleary, Heather Gall, Beryl King


Darryl would like to express the committee’s condolences and deepest sympathy to the Scouller family for the passing of Vince. Vince was a extremely valued member of our group who will be greatly missed.


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 11th October 2010

Presented by Ros Cooper; One change required, add from been sued onto the end of the paragraph regarding the insurance, moved by Ros Balston that the minutes be accepted as read with the one change, Seconded by Betty Wassell, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Regarding the theft at the cottage, the police located all the stolen items which where returned, the only thing not returned was the money that was stolen, therefore an insurance claim was not submitted.


Ros Cooper still to obtain an insurance quote for the Australia Day activities (three legged race, fishing comp etc)


Darryl to see Graham Nelson regarding the Marnhull Railway Siding.


Barry from the caravan park seems very positive about being able to do something with the baker’s oven, and would like to talk to committee members about this, Darryl, Chris and Peter to go and see him.


Regarding the weir, it is the bywash under the fence that is the problem, as there is a 4 or 5 foot deep hole. If we could get a load of rough gravel dumped in the hole it would help. Chris to see Ian Usher about getting a load of gravel dumped in the hole.


The Busy Bee in Chinchilla is the place that does polo shirts, the cost is $16 per plain shirt and $22 with embroidery. It’s decided we will get navy shirts with the logo Athlone Cottage and person’s name. Sally will see about getting samples of the shirts for us to try on to get an idea of size.


  1.  Inward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper

-         A Surat Basin liveability report

-         An Invite to Powerlink’s Community Environmental Program which was held on the 27th of October


  1.  Outward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper,

-         A letter to the Council asking for funding for the Australia Day Celebrations 2011

-         A letter to the council asking for reimbursement for Insurance Cover that had been paid

-         A thankyou letter sent to Ray Humphrey’s for his $25 donation


Sally Maunder moved that the correspondence be accepted, moved by Doreen Beard CARRIED



  1.  General Business


Ros Balston attended the Powerlink day, and was presented with a plaque for the committee regarding the work done on the creek. Ros has been looking and there is a grant for 10K for small business communities to make the area more liveable. Will have to find out more information but could be worth applying for.


Chris Cooper suggested that a working bee be organised to fix a slab in the wall at the cottage and also the windmill, Chris to organise.


The DVD’s of Jandowae’s History can be left in a cupboard down at the cottage. The locks can be put back on the donations box at the cottage so that people can leave small donations, whoever is volunteering can collect the money before they leave and give it to Chris.


There is not enough volunteers to have two people rostered on at once. If people are taken down to the cream room or shearers quarters the cottage will have to be locked. If it has been booked that a group of people are coming through  then a couple of volunteers/committee members can be organised to be available.


A Mundubbera Mens group have been talking to Jan and are coming through on Thursday morning the 2nd of December. They would like morning tea and there will be a maximum of 20 people, they will give Jan final group numbers closer to the date.


George Sturgess has mentioned to Marg Atkinson that when Vince’s family is ready he is happy to collate a DVD of all Vince’s photoes. Down the track the committee would like to put a memorial for Vince at the cottage.


Ros Balston mentioned that the window into the bedroom at the cottage needs repair, Morrissey’s is apparently in the process of making brackets for this, Peter will go see them to check on progress.


The Police Station at Warra is to be closed, however nothing is been sold of.



  1.  Treasurer’s Report

Presented by Chris Cooper/Violy Geist, see attached report.


Moved by Jan Bickerton that the report be accepted as read, seconded by Violy CARRIED


Ros Cooper moved that because there is around 12K in the first account a term deposit be opened with 5K invested for 6months, seconded by Jan Bickerton CARRIED


  1. Meeting Closed


Next Meeting to be held is at 7:30 pm on the 13th December, 2010

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