Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 11 October 2010, 7:30pm at the Community Centre


  1. Present

Darryl Donald, Violy Geist, Ian Gall, Heather Gall, Vince Scouller, Ros Balston, Betty Wassell, Beryl King, Ros Cooper, Marg Atkinson


  1. Apologies

Jan Bickerton, Chris Cooper, Peter Ireland, Sister Mary Cleary, Doreen Beard


  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held 13th September 2010

Presented by Ros Cooper; moved by Beryl King that the minutes be accepted as read, Seconded by Betty Wassell, CARRIED.


  1. Business Arising from Minutes


Jan and Doreen still looking into the group in Chinchilla that does polo shirts for $16.


Rod Dolly has painted the Wambo log.


Darryl to see Graham Nelson regarding the Marnhull Railway Siding.


Chris Cooper spoke with Darren Alps from Insurance Advisernet and was advised of the following; The insurance covers the following things –

-         Public Liability claims (to an extent, explained below)

-         Fire $5 000, equipment and  contents (buildings are covered under council insurance, may pay to check if they have a record of all buildings there)

-         Theft $2 000, equipment and contents (is this enough?)


The insurance protects the Progress and Heritage Association and its committee members from public liability. For e.g. if a piece of tin flies off the cottage roof and hits somebody in the head, then the association and all of it’s members are protected.


What it does not cover is if we charge the public for entry or involve the public in certain activities e.g. rodeo.

This means that –

-         We cannot charge public for entry, but we can receive donations. E.g. when we ask for a gold coin donation at the Australia Day breakfast this is fine.

-         We are not covered for such things as 3 legged race, egg & spoon race, fishing competition etc.

Sheep shearing is an arguable one e.g. if the sheep gets loose and jumps off the back of the ute and knocks a child over and as a result breaks a leg.


Ros Cooper suggested that a list of activities for the 2011 Australia Day Celebrations be done up, and a quote received on these activities, moved by Ros Balston seconded Margaret Atkinson CARRIED


Heather has contacted Ann McNamara regarding the identification system; Ann has been in contact with Jan.


Vince gave Barry from the caravan park the report on the baker’s oven.


  1.  Inward Correspondence

No inward correspondence to report



  1.  Outward Correspondence

Presented by Ros Cooper,

-         A thankyou letter sent to Gary Carter for making the wooden cow for the cottage



  1.  General Business


There was another break and enter at the cottage where the thieves stole a lamp, the Jandowae DVD’s, green bowl, kerosene lamp, contents of the ice box and money from the donations box. Ros Cooper to put a claim in with the insurance company for the stolen items. Two windows and the front door needs repair after the break in. Vince asked the police how we can make the cottage more secure and they suggested a screaming alarm, which Michael Wood is getting a price for. The police found one set of fingerprints from the thieves.


Ros Balston said that Tom Bradley asked her about the overflow of the weir, and where it is beginning to erode the bank of the creek away. Tom asked if the committee could put rocks in place to prevent further erosion. If the committee places and rocks soil in the area Tom will plant grass that will hopefully stop the erosion. It was acknowledged that if the erosion continues it may cause the weir at the cottage to be damaged. The erosion will be investigated more when we get the excavator back in.


Ros Balston brought up that one day a woman from the Dalby information centre rang at 12pm and wanted the cottage open at 12:15pm fro a busload of people. Ros said that it was very hard and at such short notice for the cottage to be looked after by one person. It is suggested that on volunteer days two people may be needed. Ros Balston to talk to Jan regarding this as Jan does the roster.


The caravan dump point is getting placed near the Lions Park.


Violy said that for Work Place Health and Safety reasons no kettle is allowed at the front of the building for the volunteers, however the volunteers can access a volunteer coffee box and biscuits in the staff room out the back. Access can be gained through the library.


Ros Cooper to write a letter to the council to ask for $500 in funding for the Australia Day Celebrations.

The Rotary club aren’t holding a fete anymore instead they are holding a function at the Memorial Hall.


Subscription Fees for the year need to be paid.



  1.  Treasurer’s Report


Refer to AGM’s report


  1. Meeting Closed


Next Meeting to be held is at 7:30 pm on the 8th November, 2010

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