Monday 12th May 2008 At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.

1.                   PRESENT 

Ros.Balston, Jan Bickerton, Mary Cleary, Ian & Heather Gall, Doreen Beard, Arthur Shirreff, Councillor Mick Cosgrove, Craig Tunley [Dalby Regional Council Officer] and Vince Scouller.


2                     APOLOGIES


Violy Geist, Beryl King.




3.1. Moved by Jan Bickerton and seconded by Heather Gall that the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed as read.                                                                                                        CARRIED


4.             BUSINESS ARISING


4.1     Council has commenced work in laying concrete and repositioning the “Wambo”log


4.2     A successful working bee was held in which the verandah of the Shearers Quarters has had “new” bearers and floorboards fitted. Only a few boards have yet to be nailed.


4.3     It was resolved that the secretary writes to Rob Brazier and thanks him for his help and advice on this project.


4.4     President Ros advised that John the Pom had finished the electrical work and that the a/c had been forwarded to Council for payment.


4.5     President Ros advised that the garage for the mower had been completed and the mower had been delivered. It can be used now by anyone wishing to mow the grounds.




                5.1 Jandowae P10 State School Invitation to Celebrating our Community Evening July14th.


                5.2 Jandowae Local Ambulance Committee Invitation to quiz night





6.1 Mr. J Brunner                                                                  Re paint for Dairy etc.


 6.2 Mr. N. Schumann                                                          Letter of thanks for work done.





                Moved by Ian Gall and seconded by Mary Cleary that the inward correspondence be received and the outward be adopted                                                                                                                                       CARRIED


8                      TREASURER’S REPORT


A report left by treasurer Violy Geist [attached} shows a previous balance of       $5475.46

                                                                                                   Expenditure               15.00

                                                                                               Credit Bal               $5460.46

                There is one a/c of $12.95 to be paid


Moved by Doreen Beard and seconded by Heather Gall That the treasurer’s reports be accepted as circulated and all accounts be passed for payment                             CARRIED.


9.                   GENERAL BUSINESS


9.1 Moved by Mary Cleary and seconded by Ian Gall that we donate $100.00 to the school rock eisteddfod


9.2 Following the Dalby Chamber of Commerce contacting Mr. Norm Purcival regarding a letter of support from the Jandowae community to go with a submission from the combined old councils to the new Council for funding of staff to run the chambers, Mr Craig Tunley, Business & Industry Coordinator, DRC. addressed the meeting. He was supported by Councillor Mick Cosgrove. Mr. Tunley outlined what the other towns had in way of such organizations and spoke in particular of the Dalby chamber. Without such a body in our area we could miss out on receiving a lot of information as to what is going on within the Shire and this could mean being left out of business opportunities. Councillor Cosgrove did say that any organization that was trying to help themselves, that was incorporated, and applied for grant funding would still be considered.

President Ros advised that an organization such as a Chamber of Commerce, or business council could be set up as a separate entity under the umbrella of our association. It was resolved that contact be made verbally with all interested parties and a meeting be called to address this matter. Both Mr Tunley and Councillor Cosgrove said that they would be happy to attend such a meeting,  

                President Ros thanked both for attending the meeting.




As there was no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.05.pm.




The next meeting will be held

Monday 2nd. June 2008.

At the Community Centre

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