Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 12th November, 2012
Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.

Present:  Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ian and Heather Gall, Beryl King, Doreen Beard, Ros Balston, Margaret Atkinson. Sally Maunder.

Apologies:  Darcy Maunder, Ruth Sargent

Minutes:   The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather.  Ian moved and seconded Jan that the minutes be accepted as read .

Business arising:  Thanks were extended to Darcy and Jan for planting the willow trees.  We will not have a monthly meeting in December.  The next meeting will be on the 2nd Monday in January which will be the 14th.  A notice is to be sent to the magazine stating that our meetings are the 2nd Monday of the month and are held at the Cultural Centre at 7.30pm.

Correspondence:  Heather moved and Beryl seconded that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.   Inwards – Western Downs Regional Council – Minor Grants Scheme Application and 2013 Australia Day Awards, Brendan & Maree Taylor (2)   Outwards –  none.

Treasurer’s Report:  Peter presented Ruth’s report and the Cr. balance is $9690.87.  Income for the month was Memberships $19, Donation $23.15. Payments – nil.  The Term Deposit balance is $7,135.22.  Margaret moved this report for adoption.  Seconded Ros.

 General Business

Peter attended Lions and Rotary to update them on our proposal to relocate the first government school to the heritage precinct.  He informed them that we might need help with this project and he received a positive response.  This old heritage building would otherwise have been bulldozed.           

Peter reported on a vandalism problem which has been created by children fishing in the grounds.  Rocks have been dislodged.  Covers around trees have been removed.  Sargent Mark is looking into solving this problem.  Ian suggested that this matter be included in the local police report.

The Australia Day Breakfast is to be advertised in the Jandowae Magazine and will be held on Saturday 26th.  Our next meeting will commence with a BBQ at 5.30pm for volunteers and members and final arrangements will be made for the Australia Day Breakfast.  Jan will invite Dave Tuppack to attend the barbeque. 

National Bank House:  Margaret suggested that we write a letter to the Council requesting that they buy these premises so that they can be turned into an Art Gallery and possibly Tea Rooms. 

The Business Group are developing a website and Ros is to approach them about the heritage precinct being linked to it.

A suggestion was made that Neighbourhood Watch could request that CCTV cameras be installed on the main streets of Jandowae. 

Peter stated that the timber under the buildings needs to be removed.  A ute would be needed to accomplish this.

Jade Ehrlich has put the tail on the windmill.

Heather is to write to the Council requesting that a councillor give the Australia Day Address.  We do not know as yet where the Council Awards are to take place.  A gold coin donation will be made for our breakfast.  It is hoped that we can supply damper and music will be provided by CD’s.

There will be a prize for the best Australia Day hat.  There will not be a milk separating demonstration.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm.

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