Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 13th February, 2012.


Present:  Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ruth Sargent, Betty Wassell, Ian and Heather Gall, Beryl King, Sally Maunder

Apologies:  Doreen Beard, Ros Balston, Margaret Atkinson

Minutes:  Peter welcomed all present and the minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather.  Heather moved and Betty seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.

Business arising from the minutes:  Peter stated that the Tidy Town Plaque has been put up at the cottage.  Peter spoke to Jack Lockhart re. using the Cottage Precinct for the markets.  An alternative arrangement in High Street will now be used when necessary. Ian stated that he has 9 or 10 casement windows that could be used in the old school.   Peter followed up on the whereabouts of the old school desk but nothing has come to light so far.


Correspondence:  Heather moved and Sally seconded that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.  Inwards – Western Downs Council ($300 for Australia Day), Mick Cosgrove, Western Downs Council (Carolyn Tillman to represent Council), Kerri Anderson (Organisation Strategy and Communication Manager and Jamie Stone, Executive Assistant Community Services– reasons why we weren’t included in the Council’s media release for Australia Day), Western Downs (Waste Levy Exemption Forms for charitable waste), Roger Eichler – Community Development Coordinator informed us that we are must obtain building approval for relocating the school. Peter informed the meeting that he had a ring this afternoon from the Council that said we were not eligible for the flood money to pay for the removal of the building.We were hoping to use the restoration of the building as a project promoting community connectedness in order to meet the strict guidelines. Applications are to be made to QGC and Jupiters.  Interest free loans are available from the Council so we could possibly go ahead and reimburse the Council at a later date when we receive some donations.  Outwards – Thank you notes to David Tuppack, Colleen Wunsch, Tony Bartlett, Robbie Brazier and U3A Singers, Nicky, Brett and Briony Zeller, Paul Ambrose.  Western Downs re. donation $300


Treasurer’s Report:  Balance b/d $5084.92 Receipts $878.60 Australia Day (including the $300 from the Council). Payments $332.55 to Peter for chairs & fuel, leaving a Cr. balance of $5630.97. Ruth moved her report for adoption.  Seconded Jan.  Ruth has on hand $15 for purchases from Sally & $10 in memberships.  The following accounts were passed for payment.  Neilsons $120.81, Cleaning and Catering $13.30.


General Business

Peter thanked Jan for the tremendous contribution she makes to the Australia Day Celebration.  Jan has made out a list of the jobs to be done to make the day a success and given copies to the president and secretary. 

Rotary Fete will be held this coming Saturday.  Natchos are to be $7 each. 6kgs of mince to be cooked – Heather 2kgs, Ros 2kgs, Beryl 2kgs.  Jan to buy 9 pkts of corn chips, 7 containers of sour cream, 2kgs cheese and tomatoes.  Helpers are Jan, Doreen, Betty, Beryl, Sally.

Steffi Abbot will enter the Show Princess Competition. $25 fee to be paid to Sue Wilson.

The contact in the magazine is to be changed to Heather Gall.  Trees are to be planted in the creek.

Ian and Peter are to speak to Brendan about buying the school & cleaning up the site.  It is important that we fill in the exemption for waste application form from the Council.

Memberships are due. 

Heather is to see Ros re. the signage.  It was suggested that we leave out the oven sign at the moment.

Peter reported that Ed Hoffman doesn’t know whether the oven has asbestos in it.  If we want to demolish it he will have an asbestos audit done on it.  As we need a decision on the future of the oven Ian tabled a motion that the future of the oven will be voted on at the next meeting.  Seconded Jan.

The “Athlone Cottage” sign is peeling.

Peter has put in an apology for the next 2 meetings. 

It was estimated that we have about $7000 unallocated money on hand plus the $5000 grant from Powerlink which is yet to come.  The meeting closed at 8.30pm.

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