Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 13th August, 2012
Jandowae And District Progress &Amp; Heritage Association Inc.

Present:  Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ruth Sargent, Ian and Heather Gall, Sally Maunder, Margaret Atkinson, Beryl King, Ros Balston, Daryl Donald

Apologies:  Doreen Beard

Minutes:  Peter welcomed all present and the minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather.  Jan moved and Ruth seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.

Business arising from the minutes:  Peter approached the museum and they will accept the bag elevator and the stripper.  The amount quoted by Ian Wassell to relocate the school building is to be confirmed.

Jade Ehrlich will fix the windmill.  Ian and Peter are to have a working bee after our meeting to fix the window.  Sally will get Darcy to use ash to fix the leaking trough.

Correspondence:  Heather moved and Margaret seconded that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.  Inwards – Office Fair Trading re. incorporation, Australian Government re.GST annual return, Qld Government Agency re. Seniors’Week Quiz. Outwards – Sympathy card to the King family.

Treasurer’s Report: Ruth presented her report and the Cr. balance is $10,733.32.  There was no income or expenditure for the month. Ruth moved her report.  Seconded Sally.

General Business

Peter changed the letter of offer to the Taylor family.  He pointed out that the high cost to remove the asbestos would prohibit us from  purchasing  the school for $5000.  Our removal fee which we would pay to Wassells would include the disconnection of the power, water and sewerage.  We have not received a response to our offer. 

Ros will attend to the signs in the near future.

Clive Palmer enquired from family members whether a plaque had been erected on the oven.  Susan Palmer donated this land to the Council.  Peter  hastily arranged for a suitable plaque to be made which acknowledged this donation. The plaque cost $194 and it will be installed on the oven until it is demolished.

Jan reported that she had been impressed with the town map and heritage walk in Kumbia and suggested that we may be able to do something similar in Jandowae.  Vince had been working on this.

Peter handed out the DVD’s of the town photos which Vince had taken.  These were kindly copied by George Sturgess.  Terry Parker gave the original to Peter.

Margaret would like to see Jandowae made a recreational vehicle friendly town as we meet the relevant criteria. Margaret’s  request to make Jandowae an RV friendly town was denied by

the Council.  Heather is to write and ask why this request has been denied to our community. 

Heather and Ian reported on the Wambo Development Meeting.  If you have a complaint to make to the Council ring 1300 268 624 and state your request.  Action must take place within 10-14 days.  There is an app for phones called snap send solve.  You simply take a photo of the problem and it automatically goes to the relevant Council. 

Margaret is to study the relevant material to see if we are eligible for donations to our organization to be tax deductible. 

The next meeting will be our Annual Meeting and it will be held on Monday September 10th at 7.30pm.

Peter will ask Tony Brame to chair the meeting.

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