Jandowae & District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.
Minutes of meeting Monday 14th September 2009

at the Community Centre at 7:38 pm

1.       Present: Darryl Donald, Ian Gall, Heather Gall, Peter Ireland, Vince Scouller, Peter Kelly, Margaret Atkinson, Beryl King, Ros Balston, Jan Bickerton, Shauna Coombes.

2.       Apologies: Sister Mary Cleary, Jack Lockhardt, Violy Geist

3.       Minutes of the previous meeting:  Moved to be a true and accurate record by Vince Scouller, seconded by Margaret Atkinson. Carried

4.       Business arising:

Ros sent away information about the ag force breakfast, and also rang a finance person in the Council to ask their opinion.  The form has been filled out and returned to Ag Force.  The money has been paid, it is just following up paperwork.

Vicki Warden has sent through information about a Heritage Grant, which Ros has applied for.  In this grant, we applied for approximately $8000 worth of equipment for the display in the Shearer’s Quarters.  This includes money for 2 mannequins, a laptop and software, MOSAIC program, 4 mobile pinboards, A3 laminator, safety guillotine, steel rulers, printer, cutting boards, hammer, cordless drill, and supervision by a museum development officer, amongst other things as well.  A projector, or similar, is desirable, but may have to be a second stage of development.

There was a lot of information given at the council meeting, about many things, including the minor grants scheme policy, community loans policy, regional arts development funds and so forth, sporting policy and in kind policy.  The information leaflets provided should be available to everyone, as well as the amount of information available, so the Council is going to be asked if some copies can be placed at the community centre, and a list published in the magazine or somewhere similar.  Consultants have been appointed for the 50 year plan.

For the train, the short answer is no.  The managers are leaving, however, we are negotiating with the owners of the park not the managers.

The desire for us to get the land next door is going to be put in the 10 year plan, in hopes that the Council will get it when it becomes available.

5.       Inward correspondence

Jandowae Magazine Invoice – to be paid after money comes in for ads and so forth

Landcare news

QGC news

An email about the meeting at Bell Oct 14th for the Heritage Network

Email about Grant applied for by Ros, and dates Vicki Warden is available to come out her.  Aim is for her to come out Wednesday 7th October.

Insurance bill: to be paid, and a copy of the account sent to Paul Smith to enable reimbursement.

Reply about camping signs

Email about GVEHO grant, which we will apply to for another shade cover

6.       Outward correspondence

  Letter of support for kindergarten Grant application

Peter Kelly moved that inward be accepted and outward be adopted.  Seconded by Beryl King;   Carried

7.      Treasurer's Report.

Nothing in or out.  We are registered for GST.

Accounts for insurance and Jandowae Magazine need to be paid.  Invoices need to be sent out for advertising in the booklet.  It would be preferable to delay the magazine payment until the adverstising has been paid for.

Moved by Ros Balston that report be accepted as accurate and true and the accounts be paid.  Seconded by Ian Gall.    Carried.

8.   General Business.

The machine we hired to clean out the creek was the only portable one of it’s kind in Australia.  The rocks have been delivered, and the excavator will be there at about 9 tomorrow, as will a council truck.  The rock wall will be started tomorrow.  As much as possibly has been sprayed with round-up.  Not much could be done on the topside of the bridge, due to telecom and water mains pipes.  The wildlife seems to appreciate our efforts – blue wrens have been seen there again.

It would be good if the rock wall could be built up around and past the waterfall.  If there is money left over then adding a compound in to harden the creek bed could be worthwhile.  It will be necessary to keep spraying for a while.  It was suggested to Powerlink that when they come up for the Rotary Park opening, they could come and have a look at the creek then.

As soon as what needs to be done about the Baker’s oven is confirmed, Peter Ireland will put in sprinklers.  The guy got back to Vince and promised to come out and look at it, soon, when he can.

The timber railing for the Shearer’s Quarters needs to be painted or oiled.  Linseed oil and turps may be sufficient.  The steel railing probably needs to be treated as well.  Vince is going to ask Rod Dolley about the best line of action, with the intention of matching the timber raililng colour to the steel railing colour.  The aim is to preserve the wood as it appears now, but also to protect it.

The bathtubs from Jan are down at the cottage.  Marg Bassingthwaigthe has organised a screed on the salting table, and Vince has organised a frame for the fridge.

Ros has spoken to the Morrissey’s about a sign, with a quote of approximately $100 for the tin or steel.  Ros is going to measure up the size of the sign and work out what should be on it.

The aim is to get the Shearer’s Quarters prepared and opened on Australia Day.  There is a working bee on September 30.  vince is to organise the paint for the railings.

Peter Ireland will contact Lenny Vievers about getting Terry Sands’ cottage into shape, and Ian Wassell regarding the cost of moving the cottage, and then to investigate what funding is possible.

The AGM is on 12 October.  We are going to ask Ed Hoffman to be chair of the meeting.  Darryl is happy to continue as president.  Shauna has to resign, and Violy’s intent are unsure.  There is no need for written nominations. 


Australia Day:  It would be nice to vary the function,  however, having the opening of the Shearer’s Quarters and Dairy will help.  It would be nice to get the mayor to open them, approximately mid-morning, if possible.  Shauna is to write a letter.

One option is to get some milk from somewhere and have a butter making demonstration.  It would be nice also to have milking demonstrations and shearing demonstrations if possible, as well as spinning if it were possible to get a spinning wheel.  Jan is to take over organisation of Australia Day.

Meeting close

8:50pm  Next meeting: AGM 7:30pm Monday October 12 2009

Heritage Assn




