Jandowae And District Progress & Heritage Association Inc.
Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 16th April, 2012.

Present:  Jan Bickerton, Ruth Sargent, Ian and Heather Gall, Sally Maunder, Ros Balston, Doreen Beard.

Apologies:  Peter Ireland, Margaret Atkinson, Beryl King, Daryl Donald, Betty Wassell

Minutes:  Jan welcomed all present and the minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather.  Sally moved and Ros seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.

Business arising from the minutes:  Jan is to meet a representative from the Apprenticeship Company Painters at the cottage at 10am on Thursday.  They need to ascertain how long it would take to paint the cottage and how many people would it entail.  Meals and accommodation can be arranged at the Middle Pub -  $30 single and $40 double per night.  There is sufficient brown paint on hand to complete the job.  We have to supply paint brushes. 

No reply has been received from Ed Hoffman re. the removal of the oven. 

QGC Grant – The form was ready to be submitted on the due date but the Council had mislaid our plans to remove and relocate the old school so we did not have the necessary approval for the project.  We were unable to lodge the application form.  Heather is to approach Maree to see what other grants are presently available. 

Cottage sign – Barbara Rathmell advised Jan that the sign needs to be redone.  A professional signwriter is to redo the sign.  33 Dalby Street will be printed on the sign. 

Willow trees are still to be planted and the window is still to be fixed.  

The Powerlink Cheque Presentation and Afternoon Tea at the Cottage went well.  An account for $231 ($7.70 a head) was presented to Powerlink.  Special thanks to Jan for her contribution in making the occasion such a success. 

Ros submitted an excellent report to the magazine. 

Correspondence:  Heather moved and Sally seconded that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.  Inwards – Powerlink Invitation, Jandowae Ambulance Committee & Kindergarten re. Quiz Night, Taralga re. letter of support, Violy re. the painters.  Outwards – Steffi Abbott (thank you for entering Show Princess Competition), Email and a copy of the minutes to Ed. Hoffman’s Secretary.

Treasurer’s Report:  Ruth received the Bank Statement for the Business Group.  This matter is to be resolved as we should not be receiving it and the Statement is to be passed on to the Business Group.                                                                                                                                                                            Ruth presented her report and the Cr. balance is $10,480.33 which includes the deposit of $5000 from Powerlink and 15 memberships. An account for $14.40 is on hand from 5 Star for the Afternoon Tea.  Ruth moved her report.  Seconded Ros. 

General Business
Ros is working on the signage and an ad was placed in the magazine re. the missing photos.

Jan reported that Rick at the Newsagency would like to stock our Jandowae Videos for $10 each.  An extra 10 copies are to be ordered from George Sturgess.

Sally is to represent our Association at the Timber Town Meeting on the 24th April.  We agree to host the Church Service at the cottage but we will not provide refreshments.

Jan presented a collection of items from Betty Widdon who lives in Chinchilla.  The old quilt, which was made by Ruby Widdon of “Wilga Lee”Langlands, is to be repaired by Doreen and placed on the bed and the wall hanging in memory of the Smith family will be displayed on a rod in the creamery which came from their original property.  An arthritis machine belonged to Albert Widdon and it is to be stored with the larger one in the quarters.  A letter of thanks is to be sent to Betty Widdon.

Ian reported that he has a bale of wool and the wool classing table from Tuckerang .These items were donated by the Jeitz family and they are to be installed in the Shearer’s Quarters with a history of “Tuckerang” to be attached.

A card is to be sent to Mick wishing him all the best for the future and thanking him for his support of the cottage over the years.

The next meeting will be on the 14th May.

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