Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 16th May, 2012.

Present:  Peter Ireland, Jan Bickerton, Ruth Sargent, Ian and Heather Gall, Ros Balston, Doreen Beard.

Apologies:  Margaret Atkinson, Beryl King, Daryl Donald, Betty Wassell, Sally Maunder

Minutes:  Peter welcomed all present and the minutes of the previous meeting were read by Heather.  Jan moved and Doreen seconded that the minutes be accepted as read.

Business arising from the minutes:  The thank you card is to be sent to Mick Cosgrove.  Rick has the DVD’s at the Newsagency and Jan will order extra copies.  Morning Tea will be provided following the Timber Town Church Service. Heather is to provide the milk.  A discussion took place regarding the proposed Multi Purpose Centre at the hospital.  The 3 services for aged care in the town need to be co-operating.  The painting of the cottage has been cancelled.  Willow trees are to be planted in the spring.  Ian is to make the window.  Jan is to hem the wall hanging.  The wool bale and wool table are to be placed in the shearer’s quarters. 

Correspondence:  Heather moved and Ian seconded that the inwards be received and the outwards endorsed.  Inwards – Powerlink, Roger Eichler re. progress old school, Outwards – Thank you note to Ruby Widdon.

Treasurer’s Report:  Ruth is still receiving  the Bank Statement for the Business Group.  This matter is to be resolved by the Business Group after the Timber Town weekend when they will complete their incorporation.
Ruth presented her report and the Cr. balance is $10,729.93. Income: $264 ($231 Powerlink, Sale DVD’s $30, $3 Donation). Expenses:  $36.76 Peter for fuel.   Ruth moved her report.  Seconded Ros. 

General Business

Gerard Irwin who is the building inspector from Chinchilla inspected the oven and we have been informed that the Council will pay a contractor to have the oven removed.  It does have asbestos and it is also unsafe.  The inspector also found asbestos in the old school and it will have to be taken by a registered carrier to the dump in Toowoomba.  The carrier is Mark Burke – phone 0417 773461.  We need to sort out with the owners who pays for what.  Peter is trying to get in touch with Lennie Veivers for a report on the asbestos situation. 

Peter suggested that we now have 3 options. 1. to forget about it 2. pay $5000 and we take the building 3. pay nothing but clean the site. 

There may be a possibility of in kind work from the Council.  We will apply for the next grant when it is appropriate to do so.  Peter will inform Brendan that the project is presently at a standstill.

The bag elevator is to be taken to the Dalby museum. 

A working bee is to be organized to erect the sheep fence and to attend to odd jobs.

Timber Town – Jan will organize a roster so the cottage can be open.  Jessica Flynn was given permission by Ros to put information from our brochure into the Timber Town Program Book.

Ros now favors sepia signage as it will be erected under cover.  Ros was given permission to go ahead and order same. 

The bunya tree is growing under the powerlines.

Tony Brame is to be invited to attend our next meeting which will be on the second Monday in July.  The executive were given permission to attend to any business that may arise.

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