MINUTES of meeting held on Monday 16th November 2009

At The Community Centre at 7.30 p.m.

1. Present— Jan Bickerton, (chair) Betty Wassell, Darcy Maunder, Sally Maunder, Doreen Beard, Vince Scouller, Ian Gall, Heather gall, Peter Ireland, Shauna Coombes

2. APOLOGIES— Darryl Donald, Sister Mary Cleary, Violy Geist, Beryl King, Marg Atkinson, Ros Balston, Ros Cooper.

Shauna appointed secretary for the meeting.

3.1. Moved by Vince Scouller and seconded by Betty Wassell that the minutes of the previous meeting be confirmed as read    CARRIED


4.1 Ros Balston has heard from Vicki, and will give details at the next meeting. We haven’t heard back about the grant.

4.2 Jan has a photo of the Creek from the Dalby Herald and will send it into Powerlink.

4.3 The Shearer’s Quarters rails have been painted and the verandah and ramp oiled. .

4.4 The Shearer’s Quarters and Dairy will be opened on Australia Day, even if they aren’t completely finished. CARRIED


5.1 Donation ($75) from insurance company.


6.1 Letter to Mayor about Australia day

6.2 Thank you letter re insurance donation

6.3 Grainco letter

Moved correspondence be adopted by S. Maunder and seconded by D. Beard CARRIED

A letter to be written to the Council about installing exhaust brake signs in Jandowae Moved by P. Ireland and seconded by D. Maundeer CARRIED

A thank you letter shall be sent to Mark Bassingthwaigthe about the loam and top dressing.

A thank you letter shall be sent to David Coleman and Tom Kelly for the floorboards at the shearer’s quarters.


7.1 Darryl has told Jan that he thinks it is Jandowae’s turn to host the Australia Day awards, and suggests they be held at the cottage. Darryl is to follow up and see if it is possible.

7.2 Shearer’s Quarters: the windows need to be fixed. The wheelie bin has been nicked, and Jan has got a replacement. We need to have everything securable at the cottage site. Ian might have timber suitable to fix the windows.

7.3 One section of the dairy needs more dowel bits. Jan has an old broom that may be suitable. There also needs to be a board along the bottom, 3”x2” by about 6 feet – Darcy will provide this.

7.3 The split post fence needs to be built. Mike Green has 6 feet of old sheep yard that could be added to the fence.

7.4 There will be a working be on 25/11/09, at 8am.

7.4 Ros Balston has been checking out other mannequins, and may have them by the working bee. Gennie Baillie has some wogga rugs from war-times that may be suitable. Heather may have a kapok pillow, or perhaps a normal pillow could be covered with old ticking. We need calico sheets, and wheat or potato bags to out the front as a mat. The grocery store will be approached about this.

7.5 There are a couple of old kerosene boxes in the other room which could be useful. Vince will ask if Tom Robinson will loan some of his stuff to the cottage.

7.6 Peter will asked Ian Usher If he can spread the loam. He has priced grass at 5.80/m2 in a nursery in Dalby, giving a cost of about $300 to finish off the rocks.

7.7 The council may have a tinny we could borrow to spray weeds in the creek.

7.8 Peter has an estimate of about $28,000 from Lenny Veivers to restore the cottage at the Sands place and get it back into condition. This does not include moving, and is probably out of our reach, but there is a lot of history to it.

7.9 Vince and Jan found a little shed at Bruce Rennick’s that would probably fit everything but the mower. There is no door and no windows, but has had them at some stage. It is made of pine, with some shelves inside. It is currently on a concrete slab.

7.10 Australia Day

Noeleen Lindsay can give us some milk for demonstrations. Noel Brettel used to have a shearing stand, and may still have it. Donnie used to have a portable one. Heather will ask. We also need to get some sheep. Ian Usher might do the shearing if we asked nicely. We will also need somewhere to put the sheep. Another idea is to hold a fishing competition for the kids, tagging the fish and throwing them back in, with a prize for the biggest fish. We will still have kids races, but not the gopher race. Doug is willing to sing and do comparing. We shall not have a bush poet, but we will ask Cyril Reimers to do the whip plaiting again. We will ask the school captains to do the flag raising again.

Jack Lockhardt will be approached to see if they can do the trains, and if the bridge can be left across the creek to allow people to walk across. Jan will contact David Tuppack and Neville Schumann.

There will be a Christmas get together at the cottage 5/12/09 at 6. BYO BBQ.

8. Meeting Closed— at 8.35 pm.

The next meeting will be held Monday 11th January,2010 7. 30 pm at the Community Centre.

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